Planning for the Fall? Refresh, Recharge, and Renovate Professional Development & Courses
Personnel Preparation Committee Webinar Follow-Up Survey
The Personnel Preparation Committee webpages are available here.
How often do you visit the following Personnel Preparation Committee (PPC) pages to access the available resources?
I have never seen this before
I visit sometimes
I visit all the time
DEC Position Statement on Personnel Standards
Personnel Preparation Standards
Literature, Research, and Resources
Alignment of Standards
Resources and Supports
I use the resources on the PPC website for:
Developing a syllabus
Supplemental resources for students to access
Preparing for a PD session (content development)
Resources/Handouts for PD session/coursework
Staff orientation/onboarding new hires
Personal Professional Development Plans
If you selected other, please specify.
What else are you seeking in relation to personnel preparation standards, cross disciplinary competency areas, and/or additional resources?
Where else do you find resources or support in your work in personnel preparation (in-service or pre-service)?
Why are these resources helpful?
In what other ways can DEC and the Personnel Preparation Committee support your work as it relates to in-service or pre-service development? (Select all that apply.)
DEC Conference session
Additional webinars or learning decks
Connection to state subdivision
Community of Practice related to personnel preparation and professional development
If you selected other, please specify.
What topics would you like to see in a conference session?
What topics would you like to see as a webinar?
Please enter any other comments you wish to share regarding personnel preparation standards, cross disciplinary competency areas, and/or additional resources from the PPC.
Select the option that best describes your DEC membership status.
I am not a DEC member.
I am a new DEC member (less than 6 months).
I have been a DEC member for 6 months - 1 year.
I have been a DEC member for 1-5 years.
I have been a DEC member for 6-10 years.
I have been a DEC member for 10+ years.
Please indicate the length of time you have worked in personnel development (in-service or pre-service):
Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
10+ years
Please indicate your current role or roles: (Select all that apply.)
Higher Education (2-year, 4-year, faculty/adjunct)
Professional Development / Technical Assistance Provider
Grant administrator
Program administrator
K-3rd grade educator
Early Childhood / Early Childhood Special Educator
Graduate student
Early Interventionist / Service Coordinator
If you selected other, please specify.
Should be Empty: