Who qualifies for E-Satellite Membership?
• Former Youth Exchange students, In or Outbound, Interactors, Rotaractors, Global Grant and Peace Scholarship Recipients, or any person between the age of 18 to 45 with the desire to to good in the world under the name of Rotary.
• Prospective Satellite Members who do not hold Active Membership in another Rotary Club wishing to explore the Rotary E-Satellite Club of Canada One, be involved in Committees Projects or propose projects in their own community under the name of Rotary before they decide whether or not to become an Active Satellite Member.
• Active Members between the age of 18 and 45 of another club wishing to be involved in the Rotary E-Satellite Club of Canada One for Global Professionals, wishing to join a younger group of leaders and professionals must resign from their current club and request a transfer to the E-Satellite Club.
For more detailed information, Contact secco.rotary@gmail.com
Anyone over the age limit is invited to complete and Application for the Host E-Club: Rotary E-Club of Canada One