1. Click: www.remita.net
2. Select Pay FGN and State TSA
3. Select Pay FGN – Federal Government of Nigeria
4. Who do you want to pay? Type National Open University of Nigeria (Please select NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY - 051702400100 and NOT the one with Africa Centre of Excellence on it)
5. Name of Service/purpose: Select CEMBA CEMPA
6. Email address: provide a functional email address
7. Payment description: Type: NOUN Entrepreneurship Education and Training
8. GIFMIS Code - ( If unknown Contact MDA): Ignore the code requirement
9. Provide the other information required and click on submit
10. A Remita Retrieval Receipt (NOT INVOICE) will be issued to you after payment, bearing the RRR number
NB: This application is strictly for Entrepreneurship Education and Training