Public Policy Committee Interest Form
The impact work of the Greater Houston Partnership happens through Committees and Initiatives, which convene business and community leaders to engage in the Partnership’s priorities to create significant economic and civic impact across the region.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
LinkedIn Profile
Please check which Public Policy Committee(s) are you interested in
Energy & Sustainability
Fiscal Issues
Health Care
Higher Education
Public Education
Tech Policy
Transportation and Infrastructure
Please provide a short bio and description of your role.
Please provide your expertise and personal interest pertaining to the requested committee:
Relevant Links
Resume, relevant media releases, featured articles
Acceptance to the Committee(s) is subject to approval by the Committee Chair. Interested members must receive recommendation from Partnership staff and the Main Contact of the member company. Participation is limited to one company representative per committee. Upon acceptance, you will receive exclusive Committee updates and event notifications.
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