Please complete the form with as much detail as possible or it may delay your request.
Please remember we rely on donations, so being able to meet your request is stock dependent.
We are open Fridays 9:15-11am during school term time. School holiday opening hours will vary.
If you need help and can't make it on a Friday or get to our address to collect, please don't let this put you off reaching out. We work with all schools to ensure every childs needs are met. Please call Abbey on 01302 540755.
GDPR and Storage
By completing this form you agree for St Peters School Wardrobe to store the information recorded on it. The information we ask for is to help us keep a record of the people we have helped and the types of items we are giving out. This helps us evidence the work we do when it comes to fundraising. Your personal data is confidential, so we will never share your personal information on the fundraising bids, it is purely for stats. All paper records are locked away and our electronic records are securely stored in full compliance of data protection legislation. We would normally store your personal data for a period of six years. However, you can request that your data be amended, deleted and/or destroyed subject to any legal restrictions.