APPLICATION: The Edison Collective Mastermind
A mastermind and immersive work experience with Mike Michalowicz for entrepreneurs who want to level up their business in the biggest way possible.
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Briefly describe what your business does
Your company's revenue for the last 12 months?
This Mastermind is designed specifically for companies CURRENTLY doing $500,000 or more in annual revenue. If your revenue does not qualify would you be interested in a future program for businesses under $500,000 in revenue?
YES, please.
NO, thank you.
What are your business goals (including revenue) for the next 12 months?
On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being lowest, 10 being highest), how committed are you to achieving your goals in the next 12 months? Explain.
To what level are you committed to participating in this group? Explain.
What is the most important consideration that will make participating in this immersive mastermind a 'no brainer' for you?
Would you prefer an in-person or a virtual group?
In-person (meets 4-times in various locations determined by the group)
The cost to join is $12,000. Are you able to invest $12,000? (we are accepting 4 installments of $3000)
In order to apply, we require a $500 deposit. If your application is approved, your deposit will be credited toward your Mastermind fee. If your application is not approved, your deposit will be refunded.
I understand that if my deposit is not paid, my application will not be considered.
Submit Application
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