Youth Programs Volunteer Application
Please fill all sections of registration form. Please submit Mentor applications by January 13th, 2023.
ACCA's Youth Programs
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with the Afro Canadian Caribbean Association! We are very excited to have you. We have some great new opportunities coming up such as the "We Rise" Youth Mentorship Program and the Youth Educational Program. Along with this application we also require 2 personal references, a Police /Vulnerable Sector Check and an interview with the program coordinator.
Youth Mentorship Program
This program aims to help black youth build confidence and develop new skills, while building cultural awareness and identity. Volunteers will be matched with a young person between the ages of 12-16 years and will take the lead in supporting them through an ongoing one- to- one relationship by acting as a positive role model/ friend. You will work with the young person to build self esteem while providing support and motivation. Topics such as resume building and career planning are encouraged.
Youth Educational Program
With this program, our goal is to work with youth to provide educational opportunities on black history, cultural identity and self esteem. This will be done via excursions and workshops in our office. Our volunteers will assist in the facilitation of these programs providing support and guidance during workshops as well as rapport building with youth during group activities.
First Name
Last Name
Birth date
Please Select
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Which program(s) are you interested in volunteering for?
Please Select
Youth Mentorship Program
Youth Educational Program
Both programs
What are the most suitable times for you to volunteer?
Please indicate the age group(s) you are interested in working with:
Ages 7- 13
Ages 13 and up
Do you speak any languages other than English? If yes, please list below:
Can you commit to attending monthly training sessions/ touch points?
Please list any special interests
Why do you want to become a mentor?
Do you have any previous experience volunteering with youth?
Are you available to meet with a child minimum once per month and have contact at least once per week? (Mentorship Program)
Mentor Educational/ Employment History
Please provide employment/ educational information for the last 5 years, with most recent position held first.
1. Name of employer/ institution:
Position Held:
In this position from: Date
Work/ School Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
2. Name of employer/ institution
Position Held:
In this position from: Date
Work/ School Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Can you commit to participate in ACCA programming for a minimum of 1 year?
How did you hear about this opportunity?
Please explain any particular scheduling issues:
By choosing to participate in the Afro Canadian Caribbean Association Mentoring program, I agree to:
• Follow all rules and guidelines as outlined by the program coordinator, mentor training, program policies, and this contract • Be flexible and provide the necessary support and advice to help my mentee succeed • Make a one-year commitment to being matched with my mentee • Meet at least once per month with my mentee • Make at least weekly contact with my mentee • Obtain parent/guardian permission for all meeting times at least three days in advance, whenever possible • Be on time for scheduled meetings or call my mentee at least 24 hours beforehand if I am unable to make a meeting • Submit monthly meeting times and activities to the Program Coordinator, and regularly and openly communicate with the Program Coordinator as requested • Inform the Program Coordinator of any difficulties or areas of concern that may arise in the relationship • Keep any information that my mentee tells me confidential except as may cause him/her or others harm • Always obey traffic laws when in the company of my mentee and keep a copy of his/her health card in the automobile at all times when traveling together • Never be in the presence of my mentee when I have or am consuming alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances • Participate in a closure process when that time comes • Notify the Program Coordinator if I have any changes in address, phone number or employment status • Attend in-service mentor training sessions monthly/ as needed - I understand that upon match closure, future contact with my mentee is beyond the scope of the Afro Canadian Caribbean Association Mentorship Program and may happen only by the mutual consensus of the mentor, the mentee, and parent/guardian. I agree to follow all the above regulations of this program as well as any other conditions as instructed by the Program Coordinator at this time or in the future.
Please type name to sign
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