Payment of Player Fines
Please pay particular attention to this point, so as to save any confusion at a later date. Parents/Guardians will be responsible for payment to the club of any fines or administration costs incurred by their son/daughter whilst playing youth football for NCYA/USA. These will normally be through a sending off or caution.
I acknowledge that any arrangement to transport my child to or from organization games or activities is my responsibility. Determining the insurance or roadworthiness of vehicles or drivers is not the responsibility of North County Youth Association/ United Student Athletes or its officials.
I agree to photographs/videos of my son/daughter being taken by NCYA/USA for football purposes.
Car Park
Please respect Disabled parking bays. Please park sensibly in bays as marked. Please respect our patrons and also near neighbour’s, the residents of North County, by driving carefully and at a sensible speed when entering and leaving the car park.
Kit & Eqiptment
All Kit and equiptment provided by NCYA/USA remain the property of NCYA/USA and must be returned to the football organization immediately upon request or as and when a player leaves the organization.