Sandy Creek Baptist Association Camps 2024
Registration Information
• Youth Camp – July 14-18 (Completed 7th – 12th Grades)
• Children’s Camp – July 21-25 (Completed 3rd – 6th Grades)
• Both camps begin with check-in Monday at 9:00 a.m.
• Both camps dismiss at 11:00 a.m. on Friday.
Camp Fee: $120.00 for each camper. There is a $20 discount this year for forms and fees received by July 1st. To receive discount forms and fees are due in the Associational office on July 1st. Scholorships are available through the Association office. Please Contact our AMS Richard Nations for details.
Things you will need to bring to camp:
See checklist on website
Campers’ clothing items should be packed in a duffle bag or suitcase for easy storage and access during the week of camp.
Bedding Items:
Some sort of mattress, pad or thick sleeping bag (wooden bunks have no mattresses), 2 sheets (one for over bed pad, one for a cover), blanket(s), pillow with pillowcase.
Toiletry Items:
Shampoo, Conditioner, Body Wash or Bar Soap, Deodorant, Toothbrush, Toothpaste, Flip Flops to wear in shower, Towels & Washcloths (one for each day = 5), comb/hairbrush, hair accessories, a bag and/or caddy to carry items back and forth to the shower building.
Clothing Items:
Full set of clothing for each day plus extras (7-8 sets) – including tops, pants, underwear, (bras), socks, tennis shoes (2 pair recommended), Sleepwear (at least two sets). Campers will need a dirty clothes/laundry bag (can be a trash bag or other bag large enough).
Appropriate Clothing: no shorts above fingertip length, no spaghetti strap shirts or t-shirt with large armhole or inappropriate messages. No sagging pants or exposed navels. Leggings (“biker” shorts or any other tight pants) must be covered by a long t-shirt. Camp leaders reserve the right to decide if any clothing is inappropriate.
Swimming Items:
1-2 large (beach size) towels, appropriate swimwear, dark colored t-shirt, (will use flip flops here also). Appropriate Swimwear: swim trunks and t-shirt for boys, one-piece or two-piece that covers entire stomach/naval area and a t-shirt for girls. Camp leaders reserve the right to decide if any swimwear is inappropriate. Do NOT invite anyone outside of camp to meet you at the pool – no family or friends will be allowed.
Personal Items:
Your Bible & Pen/Pencil/Paper/Notebook
Jacket, Sweater, Sweatshirt, Rain Jacket or poncho
Money for Missions Offering
Water Bottle to refill – have camper’s name on it!
Flashlight & extra batteries
Glasses case (for nighttime), contact solution & case (if applicable), Sunglasses
Things NOT to bring to camp:
• Cell phones and other electronics are not allowed – parents please keep these at home! If a camper brings any electronics, they will be kept by camp staff until camp dismissal.
• No fans (not enough plugs for everyone) this includes recharable, No toys or collectibles
• No FOOD – no candy or gum – cannot have in cabins due to pests
• Please note: SCBA is not responsible for lost items!
• All medicines, whether prescription or over-the-counter, must be given to the nurse at check-in time and must be in the original container.
• Labels should have the camper’s name, the name of the medication, the dose and when and how often it is given. You may add personal information on a strip of paper securely taped to the bottle.
• Please be aware the nurse will not give any medication that is not properly packaged or labeled.
• The nurse will not dispense any medicines you do not bring except for those listed on the medical form that are approved by the parent. We will have Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen, Antacid and Allergy Relief medicines. You are expected to supply any other medication you may need.
• If a camper becomes ill, the nurse will contact parents and/or make sure the camper is treated if necessary.
Note to Parents:
• The camp can become very hot in July. Please acclimate your child to outdoor weather if the child is used to staying in air conditioning. There is limited air conditioning available.
• Please encourage your child to stay the full week. It is very disruptive to have campers leave in the middle of the week and they miss out on a lot of fun!
Contact information during camp:
Associational Mission Strategist: Richard Nations (217) 939-1096
Youth Camp Directors: Isaac King (816) 536-7271 & Jake King (816) 536-3919
Children’s Camp Director: Abby King (217) 371-7560