青年立法會-議政訓練證書課程 2024-25
閣下可透過填寫此表格,報讀 2024-2025「青年立法會-議政訓練證書課程」。所有課程活動將以廣東話及中文授課。This application form is for applicants who would like to join Youth in Legco- Certificate course for youth community leaders 2024-25. All the classes will be conducted in CANTONESE AND WRITTEN CHINESE.
報名方法 Application Method
個人報名 Individual Application
團體報名 Group Application (5名學員或以上報名適用 Applicable for 5 or more applicants)
學員資料 Information of Participant
中文姓名 (全名) Full Name in Chinese
英文姓氏 Last Name / Surname in English
英文名字 First Name / Given Name in English
性別 Gender
男 Male
女 Female
出生年份 Year of Birth
青協會員號碼 Your HKFYG Membership Number
如閣下並非青協會員,請於下方填寫「N/A」If you are not a HKFYG Member, please fill in "N/A"
就讀學校 Name of School
請輸入閣下就讀的學校全名 Please fill in the FULL NAME of your school
年級 (2023-24學年) Year of Study (Academic Year 2023-24)
Please Select
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
Year 12
校內擔當職位(如有)Current Leadership Post(s) at School (if any)
電郵地址 Email Address
請輸入有效的電郵地址,否則日後將無法通知閣下,已報名課程的最新資訊Please fill in a valid email address, otherwise you may not be able to receive the latest information related to your enrolled courses
電話號碼(手提) Tel. No. (Mobile)
電話號碼(住宅) Tel. No. (Home)
你怎樣得知是次活動? How do you know about this event? (可揀選多於一項選擇 You could check more than one)
香港青年協會領袖學院網頁 The HKFYG Leadership Institute Website
香港青年協會暑期活動網頁 The HKFYG Summer Programme Website
學校 School
家長 Parents
朋友 Friends
是否由學校老師推薦? Are you recommended by a school teacher?
是 Yes
否 No
推薦老師資料 Nominating Teacher of Respective School
老師姓名 (全名) Full Name of Teacher
老師職位 Post of Teacher
老師電郵地址 Email Address of Teacher
請輸入有效的電郵地址,否則日後將無法通知閣下,已報名課程的最新資訊Please fill in a valid email address, otherwise you may not be able to receive the latest information related to your enrolled courses
學校名稱 Name of School
請輸入閣下任教的學校全名。Please fill in the FULL NAME of your teaching school.
學校聯絡電話 Tel. No. of School
學校傳真號碼 Fax No. of School
學員資料及課程選擇 Student Information & Courses Selection
請按此開啟並下載團體報名專用試算表。Please click here to open and download the dedicated Excel file.
請以Excel檔案形式上載團體報名表格。 Please upload the Excel file of group application form.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
付款資料 Payment
付款單位 Payment Unit
學生 Student
學校 School
聲明 Declaration
我同意我提供之個人資料將用作參與活動的相關用途、簽發收據、收集意見、資料分析,及其他配合本會宗旨及使命的事項。我有權查閱及更改個人資料,如需查閱或更改個人資料,可電郵至 SLS@leadershipinstitute.hk。Upon completing and signing this application form, I confirm that I agree that my personal data will be used for the purposes related to the participation in different programmes and activities, the issuance of receipts, collecting user feedback, conducting analyses, and any other initiatives in relation to the aims and objectives of the Federation. I have the right to request access to and correct my personal data. For inquiry or updating personal data, please email to SLS@leadershipinstitute.hk.
是 Yes
我同意 / 不同意香港青年協會向我提供青協及有關單位的資訊。I wish / do not wish to receive the news and information related to the HKFYG and its service units.
同意 Agree
不同意 Disagree
備註 Remarks:
學院會於閣下完成網上報名後的7個工作天內 (或活動截止報名日期前),以電郵向申請者確認取錄結果。
Applicants will receive a confirmation email from the Institute within 7 working days (or before the application deadline) after submitting their completed online application form.
成功申請者須根據電郵上之繳費指示,在指定期限前以 A)網上形式 B)劃線支票 或 C)現金繳付相關費用。若未能於指定期限前繳付費用,本學院保留無須事先通知而取消申請者取錄資格之權利。Successful applicants must pay the relevant fees within a specific period mentioned in the email. The fees can be paid by A) online payment B) crossed cheque or C) by cash. If payments are not received in full within the period, the Institute may cancel the relevant application without prior notification.
Please note that if any applicant is unable to join the activities due to personal reasons, NO refund will be arranged.
If any class of any programme is cancelled due to insufficient enrolment, the Institute will arrange the enrolled applicants of the relevant class to join the subsequent class of the same activity or other activities of the programme. The Institute will notify the affected applicants the relevant arrangement no later than 5 days before scheduled date of the cancelled class. Please note that if any affected applicant is unable to join the subsequent class of the same activity or other activities of the programme due to personal reasons, NO refund will be arranged.
簽名 Signature
Should be Empty: