I affirm under penalty of perjury that I am a citizen of the United States, a legal resident of the United States, or otherwise lawfully present in the United States. Should my status change, I understand that it is my responsibility to withdraw from classes until such a time that I am again lawfully present in the United States.
By signing below, I represent that the information I have provided in this declaration and document is true and correct and that any document(s) I present are genuine. I understand that false or misleading information or documents related to this declaration may subject me to expulsion from the program as well as other legal actions.
To attend adult education programs funded through the Arizona Department of Education (ADE), the participant must allow his or her information to be entered into and shared with designated adult education data systems, including the state-mandated testing platform, and all Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Core Partners’ data systems. This information will be shared with any ADE-funded adult education programs in which the participant enrolls, the participant’s instructors, and the Arizona Department of Education. This information is used for program operations, student instruction, employment opportunities, and to compile federal and state reports of non-identifying aggregate student data.