The Custom Church Plant Timeline
By answering the questions below, we will create a custom, ten-month church plant timeline with detailed to-do lists for each month. This unique tool can be used as a project management tool, removing the mystery from church planting and preventing you from getting stuck, unsure of what to do next.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Church Plant Name:
This does not have to be the final name—any identifying phrase will work at this point.
Church Plant Location:
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Please Select
American Samoa
Antigua and Barbuda
The Bahamas
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Cayman Islands
Central African Republic
Christmas Island
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Cook Islands
Costa Rica
Cote d'Ivoire
Czech Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Dominican Republic
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Falkland Islands
Faroe Islands
French Polynesia
The Gambia
Hong Kong
North Korea
South Korea
Marshall Islands
Netherlands Antilles
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Norfolk Island
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Northern Mariana
Papua New Guinea
Pitcairn Islands
Puerto Rico
Republic of the Congo
Saint Barthelemy
Saint Helena
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Martin
Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Ossetia
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Transnistria Pridnestrovie
Trinidad and Tobago
Tristan da Cunha
Turks and Caicos Islands
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
United States
Vatican City
British Virgin Islands
Isle of Man
US Virgin Islands
Wallis and Futuna
Western Sahara
What denomination, association, or network are you apart of?
16 Questions To Build Your Custom Timeline
Take a second to read the question, description, and make a selection.
1. Will you be a satellite campus of an existing church, using their name, logo and branding?
Please Select
If you are launching a second site, or plan to use the name/branding of your parent church select "yes." If you're launching a new church with a new name & branding, select "no."
2. Will you have a parent church manage your finance and administration for the foreseeable future?
Please Select
If your parent church will provide administrative oversight including giving, donor management, bookkeeping, non-profit status, etc, select "yes." If you are planning on setting those up for your new church plant, select "no."
3. Do you need to fundraise before you start?
Please Select
Unless you already have received grant funds, support from a parent church, or some other form of funding, you will need to raise the funds before starting.
4. Do you know what neighborhood/town/city you're starting your church in?
Please Select
If you know the general area you will be planting in, select "yes. If you're not sure yet, select "no."
5. Do you have a building for your church?
Please Select
We already have a building.
We are looking for a building.
We don't need a building.
6. Do you plan on hiring staff?
Please Select
This usually comes down to funding. If you have the funding, hiring a few key/experienced staff is recommended. If you don't hire staff, you will need to rely only on unpaid volunteer leaders.
Building Momentum
7. Are you interested in holding Information Meetings?
Please Select
Information Meetings are chances for small groups of people to learn more about your vision and be given a chance to be a part of the new church. If you're able, these are worth having.
8. Do you plan on holding Launch Team Meetings?
Please Select
Launch Team Meetings are a chance to gather those interested in the new church for training, vision, and building community.
9. Will you be holding Preview Services? If so, select how many you plan on having.
Please Select
We will not have preview services
1 - Preview Service
2 - Preview services
3 - Preview Services
Preview services are monthly worship services that happen before you launch. They are a great way to practice being a church and give people a chance to "taste and see."
10. Will you be holding a Catalytic Event?
Please Select
Catalytic Events are one-time, big, newsworthy outreach events that help you meet new people and introduce your church to the wider community. These might include festivals, block parties, volunteer days, or other community-wide events.
11. Will you be holding a Party the day of your Launch?
Please Select
It's common on Launch Sunday to hold a worship service followed by fun activities, like a bounce house, food trucks, a magician, catering, etc.
12. Will you be holding weekly services with worship and preaching?
Please Select
Most churches launch with weekly worship services. Occasionally, house churches, missional communities, and other creative expressions hold church without weekly services.
13. Do you plan on offering small groups?
Please Select
This might include classes, social groups, missional groups, or bible studies. If you plan on offering small groups of any kind, select "yes."
14. Do you plan on offering children's ministry?
Please Select
Offering something for kids is essential to reaching parents with kids and is often recommended.
15. When you launch, do you want to hold a visitor event to help new people connect to your church?
Please Select
Offering a Visitor Follow-Up event is a great way to get new people involved and connected.
16. Will you have a Signature Local Ministry?
Please Select
Churches don't exist for themselves. Identifying a signature ministry to make a tangible difference in your community is highly recommended.
We've Built Your Timeline.
Click submit to receive a PDF version of your Custom Church Plant Ministry Action Plan.
Customize Your Checklists
All checklist items are checked by default. If you see something on here that you don't want included on your timeline, uncheck the box. A checked item means it will be included on your church plant's timeline after hitting submit.
Before You Start
Read recommended books on church planting
Attend church planting conference/training
Make list of possible coaches
Begin drafting mission & vision for new church start
Share church planting calling with trusted leaders/mentors/supervisors and seek input and confirmation
Initial Fundraising
Set fundraising goal and strategy
Set the amount you need to raise before beginning. In other words, what percentage of your total financial need do you need to raise before you begin?
Find consultant to help with fundraising plan
Seek funding, including grants from networks/denominations, personal contacts and fundraising, and parent/partner churches
Getting Started
Here is everything you need to do before you start.
Identify life-giving practices, and things you enjoy. Keep a list to go to when you're feeling burnt out.
Practice taking a day off every week
Develop an exercise routine
Look into counseling. Counseling is a great resource for those taking on high-stress projects. Having a counselor you can go to when you need it will remove the barrier when you're in a crisis.
Meet New People
Create spreadsheet for tracking conversations with potential launch team members
Write out vision and mission statements.
Set a launch date.
Draft ministry aciton plan with key ministries and leaders.
Create Branding/Name For New Church Start
Brainstorm church name ideas
Create logo and branding
Adapt Branding/Name of Parent Church
Determine if you will have anything unique about new church plant in the logo
Decide on identifying marker (MainChurchName - West)
Create social media accounts using this identifier, if allowed
Marketing & Communication
Write content for a website. Pages to focus: home, about, new to us, ministries, get involved, what to expect, FAQs page.
Purchase domain, get website designed/created
Set up social media accounts
Set up email newsletter and way for people to sign up
Create official church email addresses
Snap photos and video of any moments early in the process—they will be helpful in sharing the story.
Set up interoffice communication for pastor and leaders (email, mailbox and folder system).
Get Finance & Administration Set up
Apply for EIN and file for Nonprofit status.
Use EIN to open checking account.
Using Budget, set up chart of accounts in bookkeeping software. You might want to hire an accountant to establish books and procedures.
Set up a process for donor management and giving.
Set up interoffice communication for pastor and launch team leaders (email, mailbox and folder system).
Obtain liability insurance to cover ministry, pastor, and locations.
Finance Team
Begin to think through a finance team to oversee church finances, with separate volunteers for income and expenses—a board will come years later.
Create Church Plant Budget
Download sample church plant budget
Make list of income and expenses
Group income/expenses into ministry areas
Research Communities
Develop list of potential communities
Perform demographic study on potential locations
Visit potential locations, if possible.
Choose community
Building: Set Up Office/Address
Set up an office in home or elsewhere for financial, church, and office administration.
Set up place to recieve mail, either PO Box or home address.
Explore Neighborhood/Town/City
Perform demographic study on new community area.
Visit new community, visiting local landmarks
Make list of essential leaders including paid staff
List all essential ministries needed to launch.
Prioritize positions based on mission/vision
Determine which positions would be better if paid.
Include paid positions in budget
Make list of essential staff
List all essential ministries needed to launch.
Prioritize positions based on mission/vision
Begin drafting job descriptions for volunteer leaders
6 Months to Launch
Find a mentor/coach.
Take a day off each week.
Continue exercise routine.
Meet new people
Start gathering emails of interested people
Create list of people you hope to email
Schedule a time with 1-2 close friends/family to practice your vision presentation with.
Practice your pitch/vision talk with 1-2 friends or family and ask for feedback.
Type up Rule of Life, values, and other foundational documents.
Check for availability on the name of the church with the state.
Incorporate in the state (see the State Corporation Commission).
Register with the State Department of Revenue for income tax.
Develop logos, in the style of your brand, for each ministry are to provide visial consistency.
Building Walk-thru
Do a walk through in your space with guest readiness in mind.
Make list of signs needed to get visitor from road to gathering space
Develop List for Potential Buildings
Make list of churches, event centers, theaters, etc that might work for a location
Make appointments and visit locations
Make list of pros and cons
Secure location as soon as possible
Scheduled 1st Information Meeting for next month.
Set location/date/time for Information Meeting
Send invites to contact list.
Edit vision talk to ensure it works for the parameters of this meeting.
Begin brainstorming Catalytic Event
Ask other church planters what they have done
Think through felt-needs and fun activities already happening in the community
Finalize Job Descriptions and Craft Org Chart for both paid and unpaid leaders
Determine Essential Staff positions
Finalize job descriptions
Determine which positions need to be paid
Craft Org Chat
Finalize Job Descriptions and Craft Org Chart for key leaders
Determine Essential Staff positions
Finalize job descriptions
Craft Org Chat
Weekly Worship
Do you have a worship leader or band? If not beginning finding one.
Small Groups
Identify small group leaders.
Identify someone who might help lead small groups
Brainstorm a few key small groups or classes to offer once you launch.
Communication Plan
6 months to launch.
Marketing & Communication
Finish Church Website.
Share website with friends/family/colleagues and ask for feedback.
Make edits to ensure clarity.
Make announcement of new church on social media, emails, etc.
Meet New People
Social media: post asking if anyone is interested in learning more or meeting up for coffee.
Email five people to ask if they would be willing to grab coffee or lunch.
Promote 1st Information Meeting
Social media and email list,
Personal invites
Release job openings for paid positions
Post on social media
Email job description to your networks (pastor colleagues, denominational newsletters, community partners, etc)
Consider posting on church job sites
5 Months to Launch
Meet with mentor/coach.
Take a day off each week.
Continue exercise routine.
Meet new people
Try to schedule meetings with at least 5 people each week
Keep spreadsheet of contacts updated
Add new, interested people to your email list.
Finance & Administration
Set up online giving platform
Brainstorm people to serve on finance team (you will form a board later)
Building & Location
Secure location for preview services (doesn't have to be final location, but best if it can be)
Secure storage area for new church supplies (if you can't store on location, it might be in home, partner church, trailer, or rented storage facilities)
Hold 1st Information Meeting
Include Ice Breakers
Share vision
Provide people with way to respond
Schedule 2nd Information Meeting for following month.
Schedule Second Information Meeting, send invites
Develop an invite card to pass out to people and other design elements needed for informational meetings.
Schedule 1st launch Team Meeting
Secure location/time/date
Write out event description
Practice sharing vision and personal church plant story
Plan Preview Service
Set date/time/location for Preview Service
Catalytic Event
Review ideas from brainstorming sessions
Share ideas with people to receive input
Get feedback on catalytic ideas
Recruit Paid Staff
Collect applications and sort into folders
Determine who will be included in the hiring process and interviews.
Unless you've received enough applications already, post send job descriptions out a second time.
Weekly Worship
Recruit a band/musicians & begin having practices.
Small Groups
Prepare training for small group leaders.
Follow-up with potential small group leaders
Children's Ministry
Create Children's Ministry forms (accident report, activity consent, medical authorization, etc.)
Create Safe Sanctuary policy.
Communication Checklist
5 Months to Launch
Website & Social Media
Promote website, social media, mission and values on social media and newsletters.
Post at least 3 times a week on both personal and church accounts.
Send first E-newsletter to email list. Decide if it will be monthly, every other week, or as needed.
Finance & Administration
Announce treasurer and financial secretary positions.
Make general leadership volunteer application available for those interested
Promote 2nd Information Meeting
Promote 2nd Information Meeting: email contact list, post on social media, etc
Use 2nd Launch Team Meeting to brainstorm people to invite to the next Information Meeting (Use ""help us meet new people"" handout)
Announce Launch Team Meeting
1-2 social media posts
Add to Newsletter
Personal invite
Repost Paid Positions
If you haven't gotten any quality applications, try expanding network or reposting on social media.
Keep in newsletter until filled
Grow Generous Givers
Email members of launch team and ask them to start giving
Share story of transformation on social media and newsletter
4 Months to Launch
Meet with mentor/coach.
Take a day off each week.
Continue exercise routine.
Meet new people
Try to schedule meetings with at least 5 people each week
Keep spreadsheet of contacts updated
Add new, interested people to your email list.
Finance & Administration
Review Volunteer applications & set Finance Team members
Perform background checks on Finance Team members
Building & Location
Ensure you have the necessary supplies in your space, including: media, presentation equipment, computers, nursery equipment, etc.
Building & Location
Begin purchasing necessary supplies include: media, presentation equipment, computers, nursery, etc.
Develop list of necessary supplies needed for new location
Have you found a location yet? If not, make this a priority.
Hold 2nd Information Meeting
Share vision and provide a way to respond.
Hold 1st Launch Team Meeting
Share vision, mission and personal story
Do you want to offer singing/worship?
Giving Talk: talk about the importance of giving and provide information on how to give.
Engage in brainstorming Questions: What are you looking for in a church? What do you love about this neighborhood/town/city? What do you think a great church in this neighborhood might look like?
Begin gifts/strengths assessment to identify potential leaders.
Catalytic Event
Narrow options from brainstorming options
Settle on idea and begin planning
Meet with potential leaders for paid and unpaid positions
Paid Staff: Interview potential candidates keeping in mind any positions able to be filled by volunteers from your launch team.
Volunteer Staff: Identify volunteers with leadership abilities, Engage in some kind of gifts/strengths assessment, Meet with potential volunteer leaders to discern their role
Meet with potential leaders for volunteer leadership positions
Identify volunteers with leadership abilities.
Engage in some kind of gifts/strengths assessment
Meet with potential volunteer leaders to discern their role
Small Groups
Continue to follow up with small group leaders
Continue to prepare training for small group leader orientation
Children's Ministry
Set up processes for children’s check-in and background checks for volunteers.
Begin search for Children’s Ministry Director
Signature Local Ministry
As you meet with launch team members brainstorm dreams and visions around a signature local ministry
Communication Checklist
4 Months to Launch
Marketing & Communication
Post at least 3 times a week on both personal and church accounts.
Send E-newsletter to email list.
Post on social media to if anyone is interested in learning more about this new church.
Design Visitor brochure & Connect Card
Finance Team
Email Finance Team members to schedule first meeting.
Announce 2nd Launch Team Meeting:
include in newsletter, social media, personal invites.
Promote Preview Service
Invite contact list, promote on social media, pass out door hangers, etc
Hang up flyers
Promot on social media, consider targeted ads
Canvas neighborhood
3 Months to Launch
Meet with mentor/coach.
Take a day off each week.
Continue exercise routine.
Meet New People
Try to schedule meetings with at least 5 people each week
Keep spreadsheet of contacts updated.
Add new, interested people to your email list.
Attend networking events and community festivals
Visit at least one local business you haven't visited before.
Marketing & Communication
Look for volunteers to help with the website, newsletter, and social media.
Swag: order shirts for volunteers, visitor gifts, and any other branded give-aways or anything else you want to give away.
Hold first Finance Team Meeting
Hold first Finance Team meeting: do introductions, share budget, and go over responsibilities.
Hold 2nd Launch Team Meeting
Hold 2nd Launch Team Meeting
Repeat vision/mission and share vision story
Giving Talk: talk about the importance of giving and provide information on how to give.
Provide Training: Reclaiming Evangelism
Consider including worship
Cover Launch Team Commitments
Preview Service
Hold Preview Service
Include teaching, greeters, children's ministry and anything else you plan to have when you launch.
This is a chance for people to "taste & see" and give you something to invite people to.
This is a great chance for launch team members to practice being the church.
Schedule Catalytic Event
Schedule Catalytic event (time/date/location)
Leadership Development
Unpaid: Look over gift/strength assessment (from 1st Launch Team Meeting) and follow up with potential leaders
Paid: Interview potential candidates keeping in mind any positions able to be filled by volunteers from your launch team.
Develop short handbooks with policies and procedures for each area of ministry
Prepare for Weekly Worship
Purchase necessary screens, computers, sound system, and other media needs for Sunday morning
Set up presentation software and begin designing sermon series
Order outdoor and indoor directional signs
Get large outdoor banner for the front of the building
Print a brochure and Connection Card
Prepare visitor gifts
Purchase offering plates or drop boxes for offerings
Prepare for Small Groups
Finalize training/orientation
Finalize list of small groups.
Schedule Small Group Orientation for next month: Date/time/location (or provide a digital option)
Prepare for Children's Ministry
Hire/recruit children’s Ministry Director.
Order shirt for Children's Ministry volunteers and/or get landyard/name tags. It's important for it to be clear who has been background checked and trained as a children's volunteer.
Continue to recruit children's ministry volunteers.
Communication Checklist
3 months to launch
Marketing & Communication
Post at least 3 times a week on both personal and church accounts.
Send E-newsletter to email list: Share vision story in newsletter & provide a place for people to give.
Post on social media to if anyone is interested in learning more about this new church.
Design mailer and secure business to manage the mailer for Grand Opening
Launch Team Meeting
Announce 3rd Launch Team Meeting
Promote Preview Service
Promote Preview Service: invite contact list, hang up flyers, promote on social media, pass out door hangers, etc
2 Months to Launch
Meet with mentor/coach.
Take a day off each week.
Continue exercise routine.
Do something you enjoy—take time to rest.
Share updates with mentors and prayer team.
Meet New People
Try to schedule meetings with at least 5 people each week
Keep spreadsheet of contacts updated
Add new, interested people to your email list.
Attend networking events and community festivals
Visit at least one local business you haven't visited before
Prepare for Finance Team Meeting
Create budget vs. actual, financial score card, and giving report.
Hold 3rd Launch Team Meeting
Icebreakers and introductions
Giving Talk: talk about the importance of giving and provide information on how to give.
Training: The Importance of Serving
Walk through various ministry teams
Allow chance for people to sign up to serve for 1-2 ministry areas
Preview Service
Hold Preview Service
Worship, teaching, greeters, and anything else you plan to have when you launch.
This is a chance for people to ""taste & see"" and give you something to invite people to.
This is a great chance for launch team members to practice being the church.
Brainstorm Church Party
Brainstorm Church Party: What activities can you have after your first gathering that you think your target audience might enjoy?
Plan something fun (inflatable slide, carnival games, magican, etc).
Make a list and narrow list based on input from launch team, budget, and other limitations.
Recruit team to oversee Church Party
Consider hiring a caterer to serve a meal after the service so you have a chance to talk with people.
Come up with name/description of Church Party to use when promoting it.
Leadership & Development
Unpaid Leaders: Get commitments from potential leaders for needed volunteer leader positions
Paid Leaders: Extend offer to staff position
Weekly Worship
Get CCLI license.
Begin developing a song list and files.
Decide on your first series, get a theme and start brainstorming ideas. Also think about the series you would like to do for the first few months.
Have band/musicians practice
Prepare the Welcome Center and stock with the following information: Brochures, Connect Cards, Invitations to Visitor Follow-up event, Facility Map, Business Cards, and anything else that might visually tell a visitor what your church cares about (for example, have stickers on the table that reflect your values)
Small Groups
Provide training/orientation for small group leaders.
Prepare slides for each small group incuding a photo, leader, name, & contact information. Include these on website, announcements, welcome center, etc.
Children's Ministry
Schedule Safe Sanactuary Training.
Determine how many classes you will have. At the very least, we recommend a nursery and elementary class.
If needed, finish making purchases needed for nursery and classrooms (chairs, toys, tables, etc)
Communication Checklist
2 Months to Launch
Marketing & Communication
Post at least 3 times a week on both personal and church accounts.
Send E-newsletter to email list: Share vision story in newsletter & provide a place for people to give.
Post on social media to if anyone is interested in learning more about this new church.
Mailer: Finalize design and secure contract with mailing company. Schedule mailer schedule to go out 1 week before launch.
Announce Launch Team Meeting
Announce 4th Launch Team Meeting via e-newsletter, social media, and personal invites.
Promote Preview Service
Promote Preview Service: invite contact list, hang up flyers, promote on social media, pass out door hangers, etc"
1 Month to Launch
Meet with mentor/coach.
Take a day off each week.
Schedule vacation to take after launch
Continue exercise routine.
Meet New People
Try to schedule meetings with at least 5 people each week
Keep spreadsheet of contacts updated
Add new, interested people to your email list.
Attend networking events and community festivals
Visit at least one local business you haven't visited before
Finance & Administration
Hold second finance team meeting.
Review giving, grants, expenses, and financial trajectory.
4th Launch Team Meeting
Hold 4th Launch Team Meeting
Training: Importance of serving the wider community and local missions
Discuss final plans for Catalytic event
Introduce new leaders
Giving Talk: talk about the importance of giving and provide information on how to give.
Break into ministry teams
Provide one page ministry handout for each ministry area.
Preview Service
Include worship, teaching, greeters, and anything else you plan to have when you launch.
This is a chance for people to ""taste & see"" and give you something to invite people to.
This is a great chance for launch team members to practice being the church."
Catalytic Event
Finalize Plans for Catalytic Event
Prepare press release and send it to local news stations, newspapers.
Church Party
Work with Church Party team to prepare games/activities for after service (ice cream, shaved ice, bounce house, etc.)
Leadership Development
All Staff: Hold orientation (share expectations, budget, and essential leadership principles, communication policy, etc)
Weekly Services
Outline Launch Sunday sermon. Choose a message that explains the vision and mission of the church.
Go through final Checklist for Launch Sunday
Finalize the first three sermon series.
Do two practice services setting up everything and going through the entire service. If you're holding preview services, you can count these.
Create graphics and slide decks for sermon and lyric slides
Small Groups
Check in with small group leaders to ensure they are ready to host groups the month after launch.
Children's Ministry
Hold Safe Sanctuary and Children's ministry training
Set up check-in system and test registrations
Schedule volunteers
Prepare curriculum
Purchase supplies
Purchase snacks (be considerate of allergies)
Plan Visitor Follow-Up Event
Brainstorm Visitor Follow-Up Event
Come up with name, branding, and order of events
Get Visitor Follow-Up Event on Calender
Make sure other leaders in the church are able to attend and speak about their areas, whether they are looking for volunteers or new small group members, etc.
Communication Checklist
1 Month to Launch
Maketing & Communication
Set up social media ads to promote church at for the last month before launch
Post at least 3 times a week on both personal and church accounts.
Send E-newsletter to email list: Share vision story in newsletter & provide a place for people to give.
Send Press Release about new church starting to local news stations, newspapers.
Posters (windows of area businesses, community bulletin boards, etc)
Mailer should be scheduled for 7-10 days before Launch Sunday.
Launch Team Meetings
Announce last Launch Team Meeting - Party/Celebration!
Catalytic Event
Announce Catalytic Event in newsletter, social media, and personal contact.
Include Catalytic event on mailer.
Church Party
Be sure to include details of Church Party in newsletter, mailer, social media, etc.
Use party to encourage launch team to invite friends.
Launch Month!
The month you'll never forget.
Breathe, it's going to be ok.
Remind yourself of those things in your control and the things that aren't
Celebrate the places you've been faithful.
Hold 5th (last!) Launch Team Meeting
Go over basics of Launch Sunday
Answer questions & celebrate wins: share stories of transformation and offer gratitude to the work that's been accomplished.
Hold party (food, games, etc) - Celebrate!
Catalytic Event
Hold your Catalytic Event within a week of Launch Sunday.
Be sure to invite people to join you for your Launch Sunday
Church Party
Hold Church Party after your Launch Sunday.
Small Groups
Launch Small Groups!
Communication Checklist
Launch month
Marketing & Communication
Post at least 3 times a week on both personal and church accounts.
Send E-newsletter to email list: Share vision story in newsletter & provide a place for people to give.
Post on social media to if anyone is interested in learning more about this new church.
Leadership Development
Email paid staff and set time for first staff meeting
Email volunteer leaders and find time for monthly meeting"
Small Groups
Include information about small groups at the welcome center, in announcements and any other place that might connect with visitors.
Make small groups one of your actions steps at your first gathering.
Visitor Follow-up
Announce Visitor Follow-up event for new people in worship, include in newsletter and post on social media.
1 Month After Launch
Meet with mentor/coach.
Take a day off each week.
Continue exercise routine.
Take vacation within 3 months of launching
Meet New People
Meeting new people needs to continue post-launch.
Include visitors or people who fill out a connect card.
Encourage other staff and leaders to follow up with visitors.
Try to schedule meetings with at least 3 people each week
Keep spreadsheet of contacts updated
Add new, interested people to your email list.
Finance Team
Hold finance team meeting.
Review giving, grants, expenses, and financial trajectory.
Evaluate location: Is this space working for your church and allowing you to effecitvely reach new people?
Leadership Development
Hold first staff meeting if you have paid staff or volunteer staff are able to meet weekly.
Hold a monthly volunteer leader meeting
Throw post-launch party for staff and volunteers
Visitor Follow-Up Event
Hold Visitor Follow-up Event
Use RSVP to ensure you have new people attending
Invite key leaders to attend to help meet new people
Ask key ministries to attend to recruit volunteers
Ask small group leaders to attend to recruit new small group members
Consider having catering or appetizers
Consider offering childcare.
Over the next 5 years
Take multiple weeks of vacation each year.
Consider taking 2 or more weeks off at a time at least once a year.
Take a longer sabbatical once every 5 years.
Invest in others throgh mentoring or coaching.
Meet New People
Continue to spend time meeting new people.
Revisit vision, mission, values, and rule of life annually, adpated as the church grows and changes
Marketing & Communication
Send regular e-newsletters
Post regularly on social media
Ensure regular communication is clear, concise, and has a clear action step
Finance & Administration
Continue to hold regular finance meetings to track income, expenses, budget vs. actuals, financial scorecard, and giving.
Move towards becoming self-sustaining
Set policies and procedures and board manual
Form a board: Create board application and expectations. Distribute applications
Charter as a congregation (if applicable check with denomination/association/network)
Continue to evaluate the unique needs of your community and whether your current building works.
Begin to make plans for a "forever home"" if you don't have one already.
Visitor Follow-Up
Hold visitor follow-up events at least twice a year.
Hold membership class for those who want to make a commitment. Including giving, core values, rule of life, and essential theology in membership class.
Signature Local Ministry
Identify a ministry area focus
Find partner churches or ministries
Start volunteering
Idenitify gaps in services
Develop way to bridge those gaps and launch new program based on this.
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The information provided in this free PDF resource is intended for general informational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional advice. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the content, Joe Graves makes no representations or warranties regarding the completeness, accuracy, or applicability of the information. Users are encouraged to seek professional advice tailored to their specific needs and circumstances. Joe Graves assumes no liability for any errors, omissions, or consequences arising from the use of this resource.
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