Kelly Green Global is in place to help men and women of all ages and backgrounds fulfill a God-centered desire to participate in a short term mission trip. The needs are great and there are opportunities to serve in locations North America and the world. We desire to send well trained personnel on each mission trip. The following application process must be followed in its entirety and is applicable for all current and prospective team members. Should you have any questions, please contact us via email
The following must be completed in full by all adults ages 18 and above:
- Volunteer Information Form. (To be returned with a $300 deposit for trip)
- Confidential Screening Form. This form will be completed no less than every five years by prospective team members.
- Release of Rights Form.
- Mission Journey Adult Release of Liability Form.
- For Minors: Minor Participant Form
- Child Protection Training facilitated by the team leader
Mission Team participation is open to anyone. Adults from any Bible-believing, teaching church may apply for participation. Team participation by non-church members will be by exception and at the recommendation of the team leader. Team members shall be at least 18 years of age (unless traveling with a parent or guardian) at the time of the journey. NOTE: Student and Children ministry mission trips will be the exception in this area.
Upon approval of the Volunteer Information Form and Confidential Screening Form, team members are to be responsible for the following:
- Team Member agrees to review, understand and comply with all KGG Guidelines, Policies and Procedures regarding short term mission trips.
- Team member is responsible for consulting with a physician concerning recommended and required immunizations. Specific recommendations will be covered in pre-trip planning, team meetings or can be provided in advance upon request. All journey related medications and/or immunizations are considered a personal expense.
- Team members agree to fully abstain from alcohol, recreational drugs, and/or tobacco in any form while on the mission trip including time traveling to and from the field.
- Team members will attend mission team meetings and complete all assignments as given by the team leader and/or Director of Missions.
- Team Members are financially responsible for all journey expenses, submitted payments as published for each mission trip and agree to adhere to the fundraising guidelines established for team members.
- Team members agree to be flexible and willing to submit to the assigned team leader and field personnel.
Why does KGG implement a child protection process from all mission team members whether or not their primary assignment is specifically working with children?
It is our experience that almost everyone serving on the mission field ends up with access to and interaction with children, no matter what their primary assignment entails.
There is an epidemic of child abuse in today’s society. (Statistics are staggering, one out of five girls is sexually abused before turning 12, one of four before 18, one out of eight boys before turning 12 and one of six before 18. Even worse reports indicated that because sexual predators target trusting environments where children are present, the incidence of abuse is often higher in the Christian community. Ninety percent of registered sex offenders claim to be religious or very religious. The mission field is not immune to this epidemic. A recent survey of 600 missionary children from several agencies revealed that 7% of missionary children had been sexually abused. (Sources: National Center on Child Abuse, Missionary Kid Consultation and Research Team/Committee on Research and Endowment.)
Statistics do not begin to describe the devastating consequences of child abuse. Victims struggle with the emotional and spiritual impact for the rest of their lives. Abuse victims are themselves at higher risk of inflicting abuse on other children. Allegations of abuse can also tarnish, sometimes irreparably, a church’s ministry. Instead of being able to share the gospel, the leadership may have to explain to a skeptical media, jury, or visitors why they didn’t prevent the abuse. The financial impact could be devastating. Churches have faced verdicts of up to $100 million for child abuse committed on their watch. Any church sending individuals to serve (even unpaid service) may be held responsible for an individual’s actions if they are part of that church’s mission team/project.
An individual will not be approved to serve on a short term mission team engaged in work with KGG where the confidential screening form or any other gathered facts reveal information demonstrating that the applicant is or ever has been engaged in:
- Any prior behavior constituting the sexual abuse of a child.
- Any crime of a sexual nature, or
- Any other behavior that reasonably indicates that this individual might pose a risk of sexually or physically abusing a child.
These guidelines apply to any KGG mission team regardless of the sending or field agency (NAMB, IMB, Mission Journeys International, etc.)
My signature below affirms my understanding of the process, qualification, and responsibilities of being a valuable team member on a short term mission trip with KGG and agree to fully comply.