Check Request Submission Date
Check Request Number
Requester Information
Enter your information in the section below.
First Name
Last Name
Expense Approver:
Andrew Marshall
Father Kevin Waymel
John Eric Munson
Bishop Baldacchino
Father Christopher Williams
Vendor & Purchase Information:
Enter the vendor information below.
Vendor Name:
Invoice Due Date:
Invoice Number:
Invoice/Expense Description:
Is the invoice split between multiple departments/accounts/funds?
Please Select
10 - General Fund
20 - Insurance Fund
30 - Foreign Priest Retirement
90 - PIP
11 Office of Bishop
11.1 Office of the Almoner
12 Specially Assigned & Retired Religious
12.1 Retired Religious Support
12.2 Prison Ministry
12.3 Bishop Emeritus
12.4 Specially Assigned Clergy
13 Office of Chancellor
13.1 Properties & Real Estate
13.2 Chancellor Activities
14 Office of Tribunal
15 Vocations & Foreign Clergy
15.1 Vocations
15.2 Foreign Clergy
16 Diaconate Activities
16.1 Deacon Formation
16.2 Permanent Deacon Support
17 Pastoral Center
18 Human Resources
18.1 HR Activities
18.2 Safe Environment*
19 Finance & IT
19.1 Finance Activities
19.2 IT
20 Stewardship & Development
21 Catholic Education
22 Evangelization & Formation
22.1 Evan. & Form. Activities
22.2 Lending Library/Mission Textbooks
22.3 New Evangelization
22.4 Catechetical Formation
23 Life, Peace & Justice
24 Youth & Young Adult Ministry
25 Apostolado Hispano
26 Lit. Formation, Art & E, RCIA
27 Diocesan Communications
28 Inner Healing & Deliverance
29 Marriage & Family Life
29.1 Project Oak Tree
30 San Juan Diego Institute
31 Parish Program Support
Expense Account:
10000 Money Out Clearing
10001 Money Out Clearing Fund 20
10005 Petty Cash
10010 Citizens Main Operating
10015 United In Ministry Account
10016 Citizen's Bishop Charity Account
10020 Citizens PIP Operating
10030 Citibank Insurance
10040 US Bank UIM Account
10050 Citizens Insurance
10051 Waldorf Escrow Accounts
10052 Gallagher Escrow Account
10053 ComputerShare Equity Accounts
10055 Citizen's Insurance Reserve Account
10060 Citizens EFT Clearing
10070 Citizens Medical Insurance
10080 Money In Clearing
10090 Project Oak Tree Account
10720 Money Out Clearing
11000 Accounts Receivables
11020 Tax Assessment Receivables
11030 UIM Pledges Receivable
11040 UIM Assessment Receivable
11050 P&L Insurance Receivables
11060 Medical Insurance Receivable
11070 Other Receivables
11080 Foundation Receivables
11090 Due From Other Funds
11520 Tax Assessment Allowance
11530 Allowance for UIM Receivables
11550 Allowance for P&L Receivables
11560 Allowance for Medical Receivable
12010 Inv. - Cash & Equivalents
12020 Inv. - Market Securities
12030 Inv. - Fixed Income Securities
12510 Notes Receivable - Current
12520 Payroll Related Receivables - Current
12530 Grants Receivable - Current
12540 Prepaid Expenses
12550 Uncategorized Asset
12560 Assets Held for Sale
12570 Undeposited Funds
13010 Land
13020 Buildings & Land Improvements
13030 Vehicles & Equipment
13040 Furniture & Fixtures
13050 Technology & Software
13060 Other Fixed Assets
13520 A/D - Buildings & Land Improvements
13530 A/D - Vehicles & Equipment
13540 A/D - Furniture & Fixtures
13550 A/D - Technology & Software
14010 Notes Receivable - Non-Current
14030 Grants Receivable - Non-Current
14040 Other Non-Current Assets
14050 PIP - Notes Receivable
14060 Investment in Captives
15010 Allowance for PIP N/R
20000 Accounts Payable
20010 A/P -
20510 Federal Tax Withholding
20520 State Tax Withholding
20530 Health Insurance Withholdings
20540 Retirement Withholding Payable
20550 Accrued Wages
20560 Other Payroll Related Liabilities
20561 Andrew's CC
20562 Bishop's CC
20600 Due to other Funds
21010 USCCB National Collections Payable
21020 Diocesan Special Collections Payable
21030 Other Special Collections Payable
21510 UIM Rebate Payable
21520 Funds Held in Trust
21525 Due to Foundation
21530 Mass Stipends Payable
21540 Grants Payable
21550 Notes Payable - Current
21560 Deferred Revenue
21570 PY Checks Outstanding
21580 Accrued Liabilities
22010 Deposits Held in Trust
22020 Notes Payable - Non-Current
22030 Insurance Reserve Liability
22040 Other Non-Current Liabilities
22050 PIP - Deposits Payable
22060 Priests' Pension Liability
30000 Net Assets
40010 Grant Revenue CE
40020 Grant Revenue CHM
40030 Grant Revenue Other
40510 Diocesan Tax Assessments
40520 UIM Goal Assessments
40530 UIM Rebate Tax Assessments
41010 UIM Pledge Revenue
42010 Administrative Service Fee Income
42020 Tribunal Fee Income
42030 Background Check/Safe Environment Income
42040 Agua Viva Adverstising Fee Revenue
42050 P&L Premium Revenue
42060 Medical Insurance Premium Revenue
42510 Registration Fee Income
42520 Program Exhibitor Income
42540 Youth Rally Income
42550 DEC Income
43010 Religious Supply Sales Revenue
43020 Book Sales
43030 Other Religious Article Sale Income
43510 Realized Investment Gains
43520 Unrealized Investment Gains
43530 Interest & Dividend Income
43540 PIP Loan Interest Income
43550 Rental Income
43555 Royalty Income
43560 Gain on Sale of Property
44010 Unrestricted Contributions
44020 Restricted Contributions
44030 Special Diocesan Collections
44040 Other Revenue Not Classified
45010 Recovery of Bad Debt
50010 Employee Wages
50020 Employer FICA Expense
50030 Medical Insurance Expense
50040 Core Benefits Expense
50050 Retirement Contribution Expense
50060 Other Fringe Benefits Expense
50510 Clergy Wages & Stipends
50520 Clergy Food & Supplies Expense
50530 Clergy Auto Allowance Expense
50540 Retired Clergy Support Expense
50550 Clergy Housing Allowance Expense
50560 Clergy Medical Support Expense
50570 Other Clergy Support Expense
51010 Professional Society Membership Dues
51020 Professional Development Materials
51030 Conference Related Fees & Travel
51040 Hiring & Recruiting Expense
51050 Training Session Materials & Expenses
51510 Pastoral Center Utilities
51520 Pastoral Center Maintenance Supplies
51540 Pastoral Center Repairs (Under $5,000)
51550 Vehicle Fleet Maintenance Expense
51560 Property Tax Expense
51570 Property & Liability Insurance Premiums
51580 Repairs & Maintenance
51590 Other Diocesan Property Related Expense
52010 Diocesan Travel Expense
52020 Interdiocesan Travel Expense
52030 Meals - Travel Related
52040 Meals - Non Travel Related
52050 Other Entertainment Expense
52510 Office Supplies Expense
52520 Computer Equipment (Under $1,000)
52530 Office Furniture (Under $1,000)
52540 Equipment Operating Lease Expense
52550 Paper & Printing Expense
52560 Postage Expense
53510 Event Venue Rental Fees
53520 Event Supplies & Materials
53530 Event Promotional Expense
53540 Event Speaker/Presenter Fees
53550 DEC Event Expense
53560 Youth Rally Event Expense
53570 Permanent Deacon Retreat Expense
53580 Deacon Formation Retreat Expense
53590 Other Diocesan Event Expense
54010 Diocesan Grant Expense
54020 Parish Receivable Bad Debt Write-Off
54030 Parish Expense Payments
54040 Other Diocesan Parish Support Expense
54510 Seminary Tution & Fees
54520 Seminarian Stipends & Reimbursements
54530 Seminarian Travel Expense
54540 Seminarian Medical Expenses
54550 Other Seminarian Expenses
54560 Immigration Fees
54570 Other International Priest Expense
55010 Financial Audit Expense
55020 Safe Environment Program Expenses
55030 Background Check Expense
55510 Bank Service Charge Expense
55520 Investment Management Fee Expense
55530 Interest Expense
55540 Interest Expense - PIP Deposits
55550 Unrealized Investment Losses
55560 Realized Investment Losses
55570 Loss on Sale of Real Estate
55580 Bad Debt Expense
56010 Depreciation Expense - PP&E
56020 Loss on Disposition of Fixed Assets
56030 Equipment Expense (Over $5k)
56090 Captial Improvements
56510 Program Inventory & Supplies Expense
56520 Program Promational Materials
56530 Agua Viva Expense
56540 Other Program Expense
57010 United in Ministry Expense
57020 Marketing & Promotions Expense
57030 Sponsorships & Community Donations
57040 Advertising Expense
57050 Other Fundraising Expense
57510 Professional Services
57520 Sponsorship & Donation Expense
57530 IT Subscriptions & Software
57540 Other Expense
57550 Dues & Subscriptions
58010 Medical Insurance Premiums
58020 Claims Expense
58030 Property & Liability Premiums
Please Select
1000 Altar Server Retreat
1001 Barbara Pedilla Event
1002 Bishop Farewell
1003 Bishop Installation
1004 Bishop Ramierz Book Sales
1005 Bishop's Charity Fund
1006 Bishop's Farewell
1007 Bishop's Installation
1008 Campaign for Human Develop.
1009 Catholic Charities
1010 Catholic Charities of Southern NM
1011 Catholic Extension Cemetery Grant
1012 Catholic Extension Deacon Formation Grant
1013 Catholic Extension Grants
1014 Catholic Extension Seminarian Education Grant
1015 Catholic Home Missions Grants
1016 Catholic Home Missions Seminarian Grant
1017 DEC
1018 DFMC
1019 Diocesan Collection Nicaragua
1020 Diocesan Collections
1021 Diocesan Collections:Catholic Charities of NM
1022 Diocesan Collections:Good Shepherd
1023 Diocesan Collections:Religious Retirement Fund
1024 Diocesan Collections:San Patricio Retreat Center
1025 Diocesan Collections:Seminarian Education Fund
1026 Eastern Europe
1027 EV Foundation Event
1028 FJBH - Alarm Reimbursement
1029 Foster Care Ministry
1030 Gallagher Bassett Service Fees
1031 Giving Tuesday
1032 Haiti Disaster
1033 Hurricane Relief
1034 ICSC
1035 Lawyer Fees - Misconduct related
1036 Lawyer Fees - Not Misconduct Related
1037 Litigation Payouts - Non Sexual Misconduct Related
1038 Litigation Payouts - Workers Compensation Related
1039 Miami Mass Stipends
1040 Misconduct Litigation/Payouts
1041 Mission Textbook
1042 Month End Accruals
1043 National Collection Catholic University of America
1044 National Collection Church in Africa
1045 No Program
1046 None
1047 Office of the Almoner Donations
1048 Other National Collection
1049 Parish Accounting Services
1050 Pastoral Priorities
1051 Priest Retirement
1052 Priest Retirement Fund
1053 Priests Diocesan Retreat
1054 Project Oak Tree
1055 Propagation of the Faith
1056 Property Claims/Payouts
1057 Region XIII Funds
1058 Retired Religious
1059 San Juan Diego
1060 San Patirico Retreat Center
1061 San Patricio
1062 Santa Fe Receivable
1063 Save the Children
1064 Seminarian Education
1065 Seminarian Education Grant
1066 Special Events
1067 Special Events:Bishop Anniversary Mass
1068 Special Events:Dcn Candidate Retreat
1069 Special Events:Presbyterate Meetings
1070 Special Events:Priests Spring Assembly
1071 Special Events:Respect Life Rally
1072 Stuebenville
1073 Tax Assessment
1074 UIM Priest Retirement Plan
1075 UIM Scholarships
1076 United in Ministry Campaign
1077 USCCB Collections
1078 USCCB Collections:Black & Indian Missions
1079 USCCB Collections:Campaign for HD
1080 USCCB Collections:Catholic Communications
1081 USCCB Collections:Catholic Home Missions
1082 USCCB Collections:Catholic Relief Services
1083 USCCB Collections:Catholic University
1084 USCCB Collections:Church in Central and Eastern Europe
1085 USCCB Collections:Holy Land
1086 USCCB Collections:Latin America
1087 USCCB Collections:Military
1088 USCCB Collections:Mission Sunday
1089 USCCB Collections:Peter's Pence
1090 USCCB Collections:Peter's Pences
1091 USCCB Collections:Rice Bowl
1092 V Encuentro
1093 Waldorf Receivable
1094 Workers Comp
1095 Workmen's Comp Claims/Payouts
1096 Young Adult Leadership
1097 2018 UIM
1098 2019 UIM
1099 2020 UIM
1100 2021 UIM
1101 Holy Land Pilgramage
1102 Black And Indian Grants
1104 World Youth Day 2023
1105 2023 UIM
1106 Employee Retention Tax Credit
1107 Sisters of Jesus the Savior Salaries
1108 Koch Grants
10000 Catholic Home Missions Seminarian Education
10001 Catholic Home Missions Permanent Deaconate Activities
10002 Catholic Home Missions Formation of Catechists
10003 Catholic Home Missions Diocesan Communications
10004 Catholic Home Missions Mission Textbook
10005 Catholic Extension Seminarian Education
10006 Catholic Extension Catholic Cemeteries
10007 Raskob Seminarian Education
10008 Koch Foundation Formation of Catechists
10009 Koch Foundation Deacon Formation
10010 Koch Foundation Seminarian Retreat
10011 Koch Foundation Native American Mission
10012 Catholic Extension Other Grants
10013 Catholic Home Missions Other Grants
New Special Program/Activity:
Invoice Total
Multiple Account Allocation:
Expense Acct
Allocation 1
Allocation 2
Allocation 3
Allocation 4
Allocation 5
Allocation 6
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