Non-Flex Days Platform: In person, Hybrid, or Zoom
Our best ideas come from you! Most of the Flex workshops and activities throughout the year are presented by volunteers with good ideas. These topics are suggested by faculty, staff and management like you from all segments of the college community, people with expertise and interests in a wide variety of subject areas. Other workshops are selected at by surveying the college community to identify needs. For example, results of the recent Flex Days survey indicate the desire for more workshops focused specifically on teaching. Of course, we will continue to offer workshops and activities focused on DEIA², technology, institutional effectiveness, and issues that pertain to all college employees.
Please participate in the creative process
We’re always looking for ways to improve workshop and activities, and we especially encourage all members of the college community—students, faculty, staff and management—to suggest topics and to prepare presentations throughout the year. Is there a topic you want discussed? Would you like to present a workshop? A seminar? Email: to share your ideas. Also, please contact any Faculty Flex Committee member to ask more questions: Craig Kielb, Nathen Murawski, Angela Ohland, Andy Radler, Laura Rapozo-Davis, or Jason Trento.
Presenters can earn increased Flex credit
Faculty will receive more Flex credit for developing workshops. A faculty member who presents a workshop may receive double Flex. For instance, a one-hour workshop would earn 2 hours Flex credit for the presenter. If creating a new or unique workshop, the presenter will receive 3 hours of Flex credit per one-hour workshop.
Please fill out the Flex Workshop Planning Form with as much detail as possible.