Acknowledgment of Board of Directors Candidacy
I affirm that I am a candidate for Commonwealth Terrace Cooperative Board of Directors. As a director, I acknowledge that I will have the responsibility as a member to act in an informed and prudent manner. I acknowledge that as a Board director I will have a duty to represent the CTC membership at large and to act in their best interest.
I read the application materials and understand that serving as a Board director requires that I:
- Dedicate 4-6 hours per month and commit to Board term, as eligibility permits
- Prepare for and attend board and membership meetings regularly
- Attend any board training sessions and community Board involved events
- Become familiar with our co-op’s bylaws, policies and financial statements
- Participate and respond regularly to board communication (current primary mode is via email)
I qualify to serve as a director in that I am a current member of CTC. I declare that, as a potential member of the CTC Board of Directors, there are no conflicts of interest from which I could financially gain.