Yea Big's Neuroplasticity concert series continues on Saturday, February 22 at 7:00 p.m. at Illinois Art Station, with a special Sunday, February 23 concert event featuring Matthew Ryals -- Brooklyn-based award winning synthesist and composer-improviser -- at 7:30 p.m. at Illinois Art Station.
Yea Big's Neuroplasticty concert series organized by Stefen Robinson occurs every fourth Saturday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Illinois Art Station. February 22 will feature:
Estrogen Molotov, Creatian/Heap, and Swim Ignorant Fire (as a quartet for the first time).
February 23 will feature opener hip-hop artivist King Moosa and modular synthesizer Matthew Ryals on his South/Midwest solo tour in support of two upcoming vinyl releases -- one on Infrequent Seams and the other Oxtail Recordings.
$20 tickets include admission to both concert events. Support the experimental music and sound art scene with a weekend of live performance at Illinois Art Station. Tickets will be available at the door ($10 Saturday, $15 Sunday), but presale is preferred. Tickets for this special two-day concert event are being offered Pay-What-You-Can.