Covington/York VBS (hosted at Covington Presbyterian Church) July 7-10, 2024
Sunday, July 7 we will meet from 4-7pm. Monday-Wednesday we will meet from 9:00am-12pm. This year is a camping theme where we be learning about trusting God with our fears, joys and to lead us on our journey through life.
We look forward to spending 4 days (July 7-10) together at VBS! *Sunday, July 10: 4-7pm. Campfire, songs, hot dogs and s'mores *Monday-Wednesday**: 9am-12pm.
**Parents/caregivers, plan to arrive at 11:30 on Wednesday for the closing!
Please have your child(ren) wear sneakers, comfortable clothing and apply sunscreen prior to arrival. We ask that each child also provide their own water bottle to maintain hydration.
Full name(s) of parent(s)/guardian registering
First Name
Last Name
Cell phone # to call or text in case of emergency
Please enter a valid phone number.
Additional name & # of person that may be dropping off/picking up (signing out) each day?
Name and cell # for secondary contact
Primary Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Email 1
Email 2
Please provide name, age, and grade just completed for each child that will be attending from your family (***Please note, we offer our VBS program to children entering kindergarten (K) through those just completing 6th grade. If your child just completed 7th grade or higher and plans to attend VBS, we ask that they fill out the "volunteer" JotForm as well so they can choose their preferred position!***):
Full Name
Grade Just Completed
This year at VBS, we will be running a mixed aged group, or crew, again. This may mean siblings could be together-would you like your child to be in a crew with a sibling, or do you prefer them to be separate?
We will have a member of our church serving as a photographer this week. May we include photos of your child (no names) in church publicity, both print and digital?
Any food allergies, medical conditions or other concerns (please list child's name and concern):
Home church (if you have one)
Should be Empty: