Resource Referral and Feedback
Have a new resource for us to add? Have feedback on a resource listed? Let us know so we can continue to offer reliable, trusted resource for you! Each referral or resource feedback will require a separate submission, thank you!
Your information
By leaving your contact information above, you are simply providing us a point of contact to further discuss feedback provided. No recommendations or reviews will be made public and your name will not be associated with this referral or review with the exception of our internal assessment.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your first responder affiliation
Law Enforcement/Corrections Officer
Family Member of an above profession
Professional who supports first responders
Are you:
Referring us to a resource
Providing feedback on a listed resource
Referral to a new resource
Have an idea of something that should be added to our list? Please share! PLEASE NOTE: if you are a provider or representing a supporting organization, please complete the forms listed specifically for those entities, as they collect more detail for us to get to know you better.
Is this a referral for:
A provider (Clinician, Chaplain, Therapy K9 Team)
An organization who offers first responder mental wellness support
A continuing education resource (article, book, web-training, podcast)
Please list as much detail as possible for us to review and list this resource (name, contact information, email if applicable, website):
In your own words, please provide a recommendation as to why you are referring us to this source (personal experience, quality of resource, known first responder use):
Feedback on a listed resource
Have a good or bad experience with a listed resource? Please share! We know not every resource works for every person, however we take feedback seriously. We will do our best to take your feedback into consideration for further promotion or support purposes. Please leave as much detail as possible for us to get a full understanding of your perspective and consider leaving your contact information above for further discussion.
What resource are you reviewing?
Please share your recommendations or concerns regarding this resource:
Thank you for taking the time to share!
Should be Empty: