Acknowledgement of Risk & Responsibility
I agree to the conditions of booking and to allow my child to be taken off site
during the activities listed and for any activity of which Blunts Barn Activities staff
consider my child is capable. In exceptional circumstances when we are unable to contact
you we may have to give consent to emergency medical procedures or actions. By signing this, you are giving Blunts Barn Activities Staff authority to act in loco parentis in such
Most courses at Blunts Barn Activities include one or more adventurous activities. The
centre’s staff have, and fully accept, a duty of care to make those activities as safe as is
reasonably practical. They are required to adhere to a comprehensive set of safety rules
and there is a quality management system to monitor the fact that rules and procedures
are adhered to.
However, adventurous activities are inherently hazardous and cannot be completely risk
free however hard we try. Accidents can happen without any contributory negligence
from the centre or its staff.
Moreover, the environment at the centre is such that we cannot “fence off” all hazardous
areas. Your son or daughter must therefore help our staff to look after their safety by
listening carefully to instructions, by doing what they are asked to do and by not being
reckless by trying to do more than they have been briefed to do. Only give your consent if
you are confident that they will behave responsibly in this way. The centre can accept no
responsibility for loss of or damage to personal property or for personal injury not arising
as a result of its own action or default.
I understand and accept the above statements. My son or daughter is fit for the course
and will inform the centre before the course of any special medical conditions that might
affect my son’s or daughter’s safety.