We believe that marriage is a sacred gift from God and a lifetime covenant (permanent arrangement between a man and a woman). It is our desire that couples approach marriage according to biblical standards in a way that is pleasing to God. In this regard, we ask that you accept the following:
-- Believing that God has intended marriage to take place between a man and a woman. (Genesis 2:24, Matthew 19:4-5)
-- Believing that God has intended that Christians only marry Christians, we require that both bride and groom have individually accepted Jesus Christ as Lord of their lives. (2 Cor 6:14-16)
-- Believing that the sexual relationship has been designed and intended for marriage, we ask that you agree to abstain from any sexual relationship until after the wedding. Furthermore, believing that living arrangments that include cohabitation prior to the wedding is a compromise of your Christian witness, we ask that you agree to separate living arrangements until the wedding. (1 Cor 6:9-11; 1 Cor 8:1-13)
-- Believing that the church is God's greenhouse to grow strong marriages, we ask that you find a place of involvement in His church, the body of Christ, and pursue a lifestyle of faithfulness to your church family. (Heb 10:19-25)
1. You must be an active member of Guts Church for at least 6 months prior to the wedding date.
2. There is a 4-month waiting period from receipt of this application.
3. Future bride and groom must complete the following applications (see below).
4. Once the form has been submitted, an appointment will be scheduled to take a pre-marriage assessment. The assessment costs a one time fee of $35 per couple, so please bring a debit or credit card.
5. Once the inventory has been taken, the couple must attend at least (4) 1 hour sessions pre-marriage sessions before any wedding details are confirmed.
6. A pre-marriage recommendation must be given prior to a pastoral committment from any Guts Church ministers.
7. Upon recommendation, you will meet with the special events coordinator to confirm wedding date, presiding minister, complete facilities request form and discuss procedures and scheduling.
8. Invitations should not be ordered until recommendation has been made and the wedding date is officially scheduled on the church calendar.
9. Any further questions should be directed to the Care Team of Guts Church.