Social Networking and Online Communications Policy
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo understands some employees and volunteers publish personal websites, social media pages and/or blogs. The Zoo respects the right of employees to use them as a medium of self-expression, so long as they do not jeopardize or disclose non-public Zoo matters.
All social media postings on behalf of the Zoo must be preapproved and sent by authorized employees. Personal postings by an employee concerning the Zoo are not prohibited provided they comply with guidelines set forth below.
Please respect these guidelines when using personal social media sites and blogs:
When you use social media, use good judgment. The Zoo requests that you be respectful of the Zoo, our employees, docents and volunteers, board members, guests, customers, partners, vendors, affiliates and others. Avoid using statements, photographs, video or audio that reasonably could be viewed as malicious, obscene, threatening or intimidating, that disparages our employees, customers, partners and affiliates, or that might constitute harassment or bullying. Examples of such conduct might include offensive posts meant to intentionally harm someone’s reputation or posts that could contribute to a hostile work environment.
You must comply with all applicable laws including copyright and fair use laws. Whether you identify yourself on a site as a Zoo employee or not, you may not discuss or disclose any sensitive, proprietary, confidential, or financial information about the Zoo, its employees, docents and volunteers, board members, guests, customers, partners, vendors, affiliates and others. Confidential information includes trade secrets or anything related to the Zoo’s inventions, strategy, financials or products that have not been made public, internal reports, procedures or other internal Organization-related confidential communications. This includes, but is not limited to, information on animal health or crisis situations, sponsorships and donations, visitor interactions and scientific studies. See also the “Confidential Information” section of the CMZ Employee Handbook.
Publication of photographs and video taken at the Zoo with your personal camera may be posted at your discretion. These photo(s)/video(s) may not contain content associated with veterinary procedures or other non-public sensitive animal welfare/staff/organization issues. Cheyenne Mountain Zoo reserves the right to ask you to remove any photograph(s) or video(s) from your site.
For any animal page directly or indirectly representing Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, we ask staff, docents and volunteers to refrain from creating pages and sites for Cheyenne Mountain Zoo animals (i.e. Abuto’s Facebook page). Your thoughts and ideas are welcome and if there is a particular animal you would like to see highlighted by the Zoo, you are encouraged to submit the idea to the Public Relations and Social Media Manager.
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo staff, volunteers, and docents should refrain from responding to follower questions or comments directed to the Zoo’s official accounts and platforms. Those with expertise in the subject matter can reach out to the Public Relations and Social Media Manager to advise on the Zoo on an appropriate response or make them aware of the comment/question, but should not reply personally.
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo staff, volunteers, and docents are not allowed to participate in public-facing contests (for example, #WhatAnimalWednesday or 3rd party Zoo ticket giveaway(s).
Please be aware postings may generate media coverage. If members of the media contact you for interview requests or information of any kind, contact the Zoo’s Public Relations and Social Media Manager prior to speaking with them. The Zoo strives to anticipate and manage crisis situations in order to reduce disruption to our employees and to maintain our reputation as a high quality organization. To best serve these objectives, the Organization will respond to the media in a timely and professional manner only through the designated spokespersons.
A blog, wiki, chat room or social networking site is not the ideal place to make a complaint regarding alleged discrimination, unlawful harassment or a safety issue. Complaints to the Zoo regarding these issues must be made consistent with the Zoo’s complaint processes so the Zoo can address them. See EEO/Harassment Complaint Procedure or Safety sections of volunteer/employee Handbook.
Active platforms and monitored online communications include, but are not limited to:
• Facebook
• Twitter
• Instagram
• YouTube
• TripAdvisor
• Google Business
• Yelp
• e-mails & webite submissions
Additionally, use of the Internet, personal social media sites, etc., must not disrupt the operation of the Zoo’s network or the networks of other users.
Full time employees of the Zoo are responsible for communicating the Zoo’s social media policies to all individuals who report directly to them who are not employed by the Zoo, including Jr. Zookeepers, Zoo Crew, interns, docents and volunteers. Nothing in this guideline is meant to interfere with employees’ right under federal law to engage in protected and concerted activity.
This policy does not take into account every possible scenario and may not be all-inclusive. The Zoo reserves the right to address each situation on a case-by-case basis and determine appropriate action. Questions regarding this policy or any matter related to your site that this policy does not address should be directed to your supervisor, the marketing department, or human resources office as appropriate. Failure to follow this policy may result in corrective action up to and including termination. This policy is subject to change without prior notice.
I understand the Zoo’s Social Networking and Online Communications Policy as it outlines my responsibilities.