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Please note: this may be an incorrect application form. if you are an Indian citizen and currently residing in India, and you are applying for ab-initio program in the US and Canada (FPAP-IND or FPAP-US-IND) you need to fill out a special form located here: All other program applicants can proceed.
Attention: if you are applying for FPAP-IND (Canada) or FPAP-US-IND (Florida) programs, and you are an Indian citizen, you need to fill out a specially-designed form located here >>>
Personal or Parent's Funds: you must upload the proof of funds (POF), which has to be a bank statement obtained from the bank within the last 30 days. POF can also be a printed tratement from the online banking system. If you are using funds provided by a relative who is not your parent, a letter from that relative stating relationship to you and intent to pay for your tuition fees must be uploaded with their bank statement.
Unless this requirement is satisfied, Aerocadet will not be able to process this enrollment application.
Business Sponsor or Domestic Bank Loan in My Home Country: you must upload a loan approval letter issued to you by your bank. If you do not have it, you can not complete this application unless you either obtain the loan approval letter, or complete Aerocadet SLAS application form first. We will not be able to process your enrollment application without either a proof of funds, or a student loan approval letter, or a SLAS application number.
U.S. Bank Loan with U.S. co-signer: you must provide details of your US-based co-signer. Please note that only US programs may be paid by a bank loan obtained from the United States and co-signed by a US citizen or permanent resident. Neither Aerocadet nor our affiliates are able to act as student co-signers.
PLEASE NOTE: if you are going to apply for a student loan with the local bank in your country, your application must be supported by several hard-copy documents confirming your preliminary suitability for flight training and airline pilot employment, conditional guarantee of internship after completion of the training phase and conditional guarantee of permanent employment placement with the airlines upon graduation.
You must familiarize yourself and complete the student loan support package application process before you complete this form. You will need to upload the confirmation of student loan support package application as POF in the POF upload section. Please review steps and start the application process here
IMPORTANT: as of August 1, 2024, applicants for the US programs who do not have an English test for enrollment will be able to enroll without a test, subject to passing a short video admission interview, and take an IELTS Academic English test after arrival in the United States for training.
Flight-time sheet abbreviations:
PIC - Pilot in Command (all PIC time, including instructor time).
SIC - Second in Command (only when required by the operator certificate and type certificate).
PUT - Pilot in Training (flight with instructor for the purpose of pursuing a license or a ratings).
Solo - PIC time while flying on Student License.
XC - Cross country fligh time, when airport of departure is difefrent from the airport of arrival.
Night - all flight time logged 1 hour after sunset and 1 hour before sunrise.
IFR - flght under the Instrument Flight Rules, including trainng under the "hood".
Simulator - only approved Class C and D full-motion flight simulators.
FTP - all other approved flight training devices used towards IR training curriculum.
I, {firstName} {lastName}, understood all the questions in this enrollment form and answered then honestly and to the best of my knowledge. I am of 17 years of age or older. By submitting this form, I give permission to Raich Aerospace Group LLC (DBA Aerocadet) to store, process and share information (between its partner companies and affiliates) provided in this form for the purpose of my enrollment into the flight training program/s I applied for.
Data Protection & Privacy Notice:
Raich Aerospace Group LLC takes your privacy very seriously. We enforce a strict "No Spam" policy and keep your personal data protected on our computer system. The data you provide may be shared between Raich Aerospace Group LLC and its affiliates solely for the purpose of processing your flight training enrollment application. We do not share your information with any other companies and individuals. You can always opt to cancel your application and request for personal data to be deleted from our database by contacting us via