Application for One-on-One Intuitive Development Training
One-on-one mentorship designed to significantly hone and increase your intuition and support you in your personal or professional development.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Have you met the requirement of completing the SAGE Method Course?
No, I would like to learn more about the course please!
Which path are you applying for?
Personal Intuitive Development Training with Isabeau Maxwell - $250 per 30 min session
SAGE Certified Program for Professionals with Isabeau Maxwell - $700/month for 12 months
SAGE Certified Program for Professionals with Doreen DiAntonio - $500/month for 12 months
Please answer the questions below to your best ability. Some sections have examples to assist you.
How do you currently label yourself as an intuitive?
Examples - Psychic, Healer, Medium, Clairvoyant, Reiki Practitioner, Coach
What are your current goals/desires for your personal path?
Examples - Financial freedom, improved health, independence, career change
Do you have a specific group of people you wish to help with your intuition? If yes, please explain.
Examples - Children, Elderly, People with specific ailments
What brings you the greatest frustration with your intuition?
Examples - hard to distinguish between imagination and intuition, don't know how to control when I have an intuitive moment, I can't seem to get the detail I want to receive
What brings you the greatest joy with your intuition?
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