2024 Competition Class Painting Submission Form
Upload images and provide painting and artist information for printing labels and for our online gallery. Fill out this form separately for each painting submitted. REMINDER: Up to 4 paintings may be submitted for jurying in the Competition Exhibit. Up to two Reserve paintings may be left at JHP to be displayed for sale as paintings are sold. Maximum size is 16x20 standard surface dimensions or 28" framed, in any direction. Painting submission form must be received by the deadline or the painting might not be hung for jurying.
DEADLINE: 7:00PM Thursday, September 12, 2024
Painting Title
Unframed surface dimensions
Inches wide x tall. REMINDER: no painting may be taller or wider than 28", framed, because of limited space. Each artist is assigned a hanging rod that fits up to 4 paintings. Rod heights vary, so please do not submit more than one painting of maximum vertical size.
ie, oil, watercolor, pastel, gouache, acrylic
Artist Name
First Name
Last Name
Artist Email
Painting Price
Gallery commission is 30%.
Is this a Competition Exhibit painting or a Reserve Painting? (Only Competition Exhibit paintings are eligible for prizes. We still need painting label info and photos for Reserve Paintings.)
Competition Exhibit
Location painted
For example, "Artists Point, Grand Marais." Paintings must be the artist's original work, 90%+ plein air created in Cook County, MN between August 15 and September 16, 2022.
Is this painting eligible for Best Historic Site painting award? If so, select site:
Sugarloaf Cove Nature Center
Cross River Heritage Center
North Shore Commercial Fishing Museum
Chik Wauk Nature Center
Cook County History Museum
Johnson Heritage Post Art Gallery
Bally Blacksmith Shop
Chippewa City Church
Nee Gee Tugboat/Replica Fishing House
Grand Portage National Monument and Heritage Center
Grand Portage State Park
Submit Painting Image for Promotion
Select Photos
Submit a good photo of painting, without frame, without distortion or surface reflection. Images may be published to announce award winners and used to promote Plein Air Grand Marais but will not be shared further without Artist's permission. 7MB maximum
Submit Photo of Painting In Situ
Select Photos
A photo of your painting on location where painted is required for prize eligibility. Images may be used to promote Plein Air Grand Marais but will not be shared further without Artist's permission.7MB maximum
Print Form
Should be Empty: