The Environmental Learning Center is looking for artists to feature in their rotating Artist Series and also for permanent exterior displays.
We are accepting any medium; specifically featuring work that supports our mission statement.
If artwork is accepted for rotation, the artist will receive a series of dates to choose from including an Opening/Premiere date to celebrate their work.
We have both indoor and outdoor opportunities to display temporary artwork for up to 3 months. Artists must pay to transport their work both to and from the ELC.
If artwork is accepted for permanent exterior display, the artist will work closely with ELC staff to optimize installation. Proposals are also accepted for work created specifically for ELC.
Artists can sell their work while it is on display, donating 10% of the profits to the Environmental Learning Center. If artists have other merchandise for purchase, ELC can sell it in the gift shop for a fee of 20% of sales.
As part of the series, we are asking artists to lead one or more hands-on workshop for the public.
Please e-mail with any questions or concerns.