Class of 2026 Jennifer Barnes Photography Spokesmodel Application
Ready to stand-out and join the JBP model crew? You're in the right place! Every year Jennifer chooses amazing juniors from around the area to represent her brand. Model crew helps empower and inspire young teens to not only help build up self-confidence, but to also stand out creatively in doing so. You will get to meet girls from surrounding schools. You do not need modeling experience to apply. If you love to meet new people, have fun in front of the camera this team is for you! You will get to participate in 2 group model shoots and one more optional photoshoot in Utah or possibly Lake Tahoe (pending)
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Name of Highschool
Instagram Link
What 3 Words best describe you
What are some of your hobbies/interests/talents?
Are you an introvert or extrovert? Either is great, I just want to make sure you will work hard to get to know the girls you're on the team with.
What's one thing you're proud of?
Why do you feel you would make a good spokesmodel for Jennifer Barnes Photography?
How important do you think senior photos are to you and your friends? What do you think most seniors look for in a senior photographer?
Are you or any of your family members or close friends photographers? If so, are you going to be willing to promote Jennifer Barnes Photography Seniors and not their business and not have your photos taken by them while a JBP Spokesmodel?
If chosen as an JBP Senior Spokesmodel, are you willing to promote JBP at least 1-2 times per month via social media during your time as a spokesmodel? Very Important part to being on the senior model team. You will not be invited to participate in the following shoots if you do not post
List any names of friends that you think would like to apply to be a spokesmodel. Please include their instagram names if possible.
What specifically drew you to Jennifer Barnes Photography? What do you love most about her work?
How did you hear about Jennifer Barnes Photography Spokesmodel program?
What part of being on the Jennifer Barnes Photography Spokesmodel team is most exciting to you?
Group styled shoots
Individual senior shoot
Pop up shoots (when I have an idea and need a model)
Group Activities and getting to know girls from other schools
Travel opportunities
Please upload a headshot of yourself
Browse Files
If you were not accepted as part of the senior model crew, would you still go to Jennifer for your senior portraits (Yes/No) and why or why not?
Parent to fill out the information below
Please note that your parent/guardian consent is required to participate, so please be sure to obtain permission BEFORE submitting your application. Parents and senior models will be required to sign a contract upon being accepted into the model crew.
Parent Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent Email
Parent Phone number
Area Code
Phone Number
This is for a parent to answer... If your daughter is chosen, do you give her permission to participate?
Yes, I give permission to participate in the JBP Spokesmodel program if chosen
No, I do not give permission to participate
I have read through the Investment section on
Not yet
This is for a parent to answer...I understand that not everyone that applies will be chosen. I understand that Jennifer Barnes has a hard decision and that if she could accept everyone she would. I agree to help my daughter understand if she is not chosen.
I understand
I do not understand
Should be Empty: