Great Answer!
Wrong Answer! There are in fact 40 million slaves estimated in the world today,
Wrong Answer! Getting paid the national minimum wage is not a condition of modern slavery.
Wrong Answer! Slaves were far more expensive during the 19th century.
Wrong Answer! Only 1% of victims get to see their exploiters brought to justice.
Wrong Answer! Every country in the world has slaves.
Wrong Answer! There are estimated to between 10,000 and 15,000 slaves in the UK today.
Wrong Answer! It is in fact India that has the most slaves followed by China and Russia.
Wrong Answer! It is in fact £115 billion.
Wrong Answer! It is the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Wrong Answer! businesses in the UK, with a turnover of at least £36 million must prepare and publish a slavery and human trafficking statement for each and every financial year..