Private Coaching Application
Thank you for applying for Private Coaching with Through the Night Method. Sarah Branion personally coaches all Private Clients. Therefore, in an effort to make sure this package is the best fit and there is ample time to dedicate to you and your family, we ask you to complete this application before Private Coaching can begin.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
How did you hear about us?
Please Select
Email Newsletter
Professional Referral
Other - please note below
Child's Name:
Child's Birthdate & Current Weight:
Why did you decide to seek sleep support & training?
Are you and your partner (if applicable) 100% onboard with sleep support & training? Do you have any concerns or reservations?
What do you perceive as your child's biggest sleep issue?
Where does your child sleep for each sleep time? Where would you like your child to sleep for each sleep time and why?
Describe your bedtime and nap routines (from beginning to asleep), if you use one. Do they use any security items (blanket, pacifier, lovie, etc.)? Do they use any sleep tools (blackout shades, sound machine, etc.)? How do they ultimately fall asleep (nursing, bottle-feeding, rocking, alone in crib, etc.)
If you prioritize the issues you are having right now, which is the biggest or most problematic? Which part of the sleep situation causes the most anxiety for you or your family?
What is your ideal sleep situation for your household now? What would it look like in 6-9 months, if you had your ideal situation?
Private Coaching is a complete support & training package, that offers one-on-one personal consults via video/phone (3 sessions) and unlimited support via text/email for one month. Additionally, you are granted 6 months access to an Online Class. Due to the time investment on both sides, Sarah screens these applications thoroughly and only accepts a limited amount of Private Coaching clients at one time. The 30-day Money Back Guarantee on Private Coaching is as follows - 100% money back before 1st consult, 50% money back within 7 days after the 1st consult, 25% back within 30 days after 1st consult.
Yes, I understand
No, I can't agree to these terms
Is there any information you want to share that may be relevant to the situation? Do you have any questions you'd like me to address immediately?
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