Are any of these red flag statements true for you? If so, this may not be the best time for you to invest in the lives of others. All marriages go through hurdles from time to time. We would encourage you to first address the issues in your own marriage, and then use your story to mentor others. (1 Corinthians 1:4)
-You are currently battling any kind of addiction. (gambling, pornography, drugs, alcohol, etc.)
-You have uncontrollable emotional outbursts you have not yet managed.
-You have recently suffered a significant setback. (financial, emotional, etc.)
-Your marriage is not stable or fraught with frequent conflict.
-You have suffered serious emotional wounds from some form of abuse and are still trying to find healing.
-You are struggling with significant financial debt.
-One of you is far more motivated to become a marriage mentor than the other.
-You do not have a sense of meaning and purpose in your life.
-You are pessimistic about marriage in general.
-You avoid personal responsibility for problems in your life.
-You are not content and at peace with your life and your marriage.
-You are not living your life by submitting to Biblical principles.
-You are primarily motivated to be marriage mentors to help your own marriage.
-You have been told by others that you may not be in a good place to be marriage mentors right now.