I authorize JP Management Company LLC. to request inquiries concerning my employment and income and to obtain references from landlords and mortgage institutions, banks (including balances and standing information) and criminal information. I authorize all persons at the above institutions including Attorneys & CPA’s to furnish all information requested of you. In compliance with the FCRA, I understand I may not view a copy of the report being furnished to the Landlord or Employer. I authorize to all that a photocopy or facsimile copy of my signature and authorization will serve as an original. I agree that all above information is true and that I am of legal age (18 years of age or above) to enter into this contract. I further agree that I am not renting an apartment under any other name and I have never been dispossessed. I agree that the owner/employer has the sole right to accept or reject this application. Any misrepresentation by me may be cause for rejection by the landlord, Management Company, developer or employer. I understand that all processing fees are non-refundable.