Reserve your new living space today with a $100 fully refundable deposit to lock in your "First 75" leasing specials. Move in dates beginning June 1st of 2021.
Daniele Management & Development2851 Monroe AvenueRochester NY 14618(585) 271-1111
One of our customer service specialists will contact you within the next 5-10 business days to confirm with you your options moving forward along with pricing and room layouts. Your final choices and decisions will be handled within the next couple months. Please complete the $100 deposit information below to lock in your reservation and receieve all the complimentary Pre-Leasing specials under your name and reservation. Room selections will be handled in a first-reserved first-chosen basis. Your deposit will lock your place in order of first reservations and is 100% fully refundable for any reason should you chose to cancel your reservation anytime. Thank you!