SECC has a strict policy around issues of privacy and confidentiality. All files are securely maintained.Your name and personal details will not be given to any person or agency outside of the Centre without your informed and voluntary consent. Exceptions to this agreement involve:
- Where a child or young person under the age of 16 years is at risk of significant harm from abuse or neglect (e.g. a child or young person witnessing incidents of Domestic Violence)
- Where there is a serious and imminent threat to life and health of any person, including the person seeking a service (e.g. a person is at risk of hurting themselves or harming others)
- Where a person discloses information that would substantially assist in the prosecution of any offence punishable by 5 or moreyears imprisonment
- Where a worker is required to provide documents (e.g. a person's file) or give evidence under subpoena
All SECC staff can descrive these exceptions in more detail if you have any questions please make sure to ask.