DFPA Faculty Absence Reporting
Policy and Form
It is expected that an instructor should never cancel a class session without a serious reason and only as a last resort. If a faculty member knows ahead of time that they must miss a class due to a faculty development obligation, or some other unresolvable conflict, it is the faculty member's responsibility to report this planned absence to the DFPA in advance. As of February 15, 2020, we are requesting that all faculty absences from scheduled classes are reported with this form.
- Find a suitable substitute to cover the class
- Meet with your class over Zoom
- Develop a plan where the class is meeting without you (research project, working in groups, in-class assignment, proctored exam, etc)
- Submit this form that articulates your plan
If arranging a substitute, it is the department's recommendation to seek out a DFPA colleague to cover your class before seeking someone from the outside. It is not sufficient to make private arrangement with a colleague to cover the classes, and bringing a substitute instructor from the outside requires approval from the DFPA Chair and Program Director.
In the cases where longer notice is impossible (as in the case of illness or family emergency) faculty should report their unavailability to teach by leaving a detailed message with their Program Director and the DFPA Administrative Assistant (773)508-2820. In this sort of circumstance, faculty should also use Sakai to notify their students of a cancelled class.
Stipends for substitutes are the responsibility of the faculty member unless the faculty member’s absence involves taking students to a DFPA sanctioned event, such as ACDA. In such cases, the department may cover the cost of the substitute with the Chair's approval.