Gun Captains
This person is thoroughly familiar with shooting birds under all conditions, addressing both marksmanship and, above all, safety.
Effective January 1, 2001, all Committees for clubs offering Field Trials/Hunting Tests must certify that the members of the committee have viewed the AKC gun safety video within twelve months prior to the start date of the event
General Duties and Responsibilities
a. Appoints Official Gunners (Retrieving stakes and Hunting Tests) Official Gunners must be:
1. Very safety conscious, and refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages during their assignments.
2. Good marksmen.
3. Diligent.
4. All gunmen must be at least 21 years of age.
5. Experienced in gunning for field events.
b. Makes sure each Official Gunner arrives at the test with the following:
1. Shotgun, break-open (Note: Semi-Automatic Shotguns are prohibited in hunting tests.)
2. Blaze orange vest or coat.
3. Rain gear.
c. Arranges for live ammunition to be on grounds.
d. Assigns an assistant to each event he/she is personally unable to cover.
e. Coordinates relief of assignments and rotation of gunners with Marshals and bird steward.
f. Ensures all gunners have viewed AKC’s gun safety video.
Official Guns(Gunners) are Expected to:
a. Be on time.
b. Wear blaze orange vest or coat with bird bag.
c. Keep guns broken open.
d. Carry gun in safe manner and position at all times.
e. Refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages.
f. Follow Judges’ instructions at all times.
g. Never shoot toward Judges, handlers, other gunner or gallery.
h. Do not assist the handler or dog, only gun per Judges’ instructions.
i. Refrain from ejecting shell or making other movements until dog has been sent to retrieve.
j. Pick up spent shells.
k. View AKC's gun safety video prior to day of trials/tests.