The Rabbinical Assembly כנסת הרבנים
578 Washington Blvd. #923
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
(213) 222-6310
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Dear Applicant:
If the divorce is fresh in your life, this may be a difficult time for you. My wish is to make the process of obtaining a GET as comfortable as possible.
In addition to this application(s), I will need the following:
1. A hi-res picture of your ketubah, if it is available;
2. The first and last pages of your civil divorce final decree. If this is not yet done, we can still proceed with the GET. However, I cannot issue a certificate of Jewish divorce until the civil process is completed.
3. The fee for a GET is $840. It is payable once I acknowledge receipt of your application. I prefer to receive this by credit card, and a link for payment can be found on my website,
I prefer to receive all documents by email attachment. There is no need to send hard copies.
It is not necessary for either husband or wife to appear before the Bet Din in person. If the husband and wife both decide to come before the Bet Din to write and deliver the GET, I will not need any Appointment of Agency forms.
If the husband and/or wife does not wish to appear in person, he or she must complete an Appointment of Agency form, which is available on my website.. There is one form for the husband and another for the wife. This form must be completed, printed, signed, witnessed, and returned to me by email attachment. Please do not send a hard copy.
If both husband and wife agree, we can arrange to have the GET delivered, being virutally present during a Zoom call.
When I have received all the paperwork and the fee, I will contact you to discuss when we intend to write your GET. Once the GET is executed, you and your former spouse will each receive a certificate, called a p'tur, which attests that the Jewish divorce has been done. It is our practice to hold on to these certificates unitl your civil divorce is also final. The GET itself remains in our archives.
If you are working with another rabbi, the GET can be delivered before another Bet Din convened by your rabbi. Please make sure he or she contacts me to make these arrangements.
If you are having difficulty securing the cooperation of your former spouse, please describe your situation as best you can in an email. I will contact you to discuss the next steps. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me by phone or email.
With every blessing,
Rabbi Daniel R. Shevitz