Miss Oregon's Shining Stars is a mentorship program, designed to benefit kids ages 5 to 12. The program allows them to be exposed to the magical, empowering world of Miss America and the Miss Oregon Scholarship Program before they are of competition age. The goal of the Shining Stars program is to provide each participant with the opportunity to further develop life skills including stage presence, poise, friendship-building skills and self-confidence. Each participant will be paired with a local titleholder. These partnerships are designed to encourage mentorship and genuine friendship. Registration closes May 15th and the registration fee is $300.
Shining Stars Program Information
Activities for the participants will take place in Seaside, OR on June 27 & 28, 2025. Participants should be available all day and into the evening on these dates. (The participants are also invited to attend the preliminary competitions on Wednesday and Thursday, June 25 & 26, at their own expense.) The final schedule of events, including specific check-in and check-out times, will be provided in early June.
The non-refundable fee includes:
- All Shining Stars program activities.
- Tickets for one Shining Star and one parent/guardian to the Teddy Bear Fiesta Luncheon event on Friday, June 27th.
- Tickets for one Shining Star and one parent/guardian to the Preliminary Competition on Friday, June 27th and the Final Competition on Saturday, June 28th. The Shining Stars will have stage time on both nights.
- Official Miss Oregon's Shining Star Program t-shirt.
- Official Miss America's Little Sisters and Miss Oregon's Shining Stars sash and crown.
- Participation in the Miss Oregon Parade through downtown Seaside on Saturday, June 29th.
The Rules of Conduct for Shining Stars and parent(s)/guardian(s), while participating in the program, are the foundation and basis for its operation.
Rule 1: Participants will conduct themselves at all times with dignity and good manners, and exemplify the integrity of American youth.
Rule 2: Participants will treat all fellow participants, including volunteers and committee members, with courtesy and respect. The Miss Oregon Scholarship Program has a strict “No Bullying” policy throughout all of its operations.
Rule 3: Participants must observe all rules and regulations at all meetings, rehearsals, events and performances as well as when in public, especially when wearing our organization's official t-shirt or program wardrobe items.
Rule 4: Participants will not participate in any interview, picture, press contact or any type of publicity unless a member of the Miss Oregon Board of Directors is present and/or arrangements were made with the Shining Stars Program Coordinator.
Rule 5: Participants may not represent the organization at parties, meetings, and social events or make any public appearances other than official Miss Oregon events unless arrangements are made in advance with the Shining Stars Program Coordinator.
Rule 6: When participants leave all events, activities, meetings, etc., during Competition Week, the participant must check out officially with an Shining Stars Program volunteer.
If participant or parent/guardian conduct is deemed unsatisfactory by the Coordinator of the Shining Stars Program and by this conduct the image and good name of the Miss Oregon Shining Stars Program is deemed to be jeopardized, the following procedure is followed:
The Coordinator of the Shining Stars Program will issue a warning to the participant/parent/guardian in the presence of the parent(s) and another program official.
If the condition causing this warning is corrected, no further action will be taken.
If the condition is not corrected, the Shining Stars Program Coordinaotr will notify the Executive Director of the Miss Oregon Scholarship Program.
The participant and their parent(s)/guardian(s) will be provided with the details of the infraction and the Miss Oregon Scholarship Program Executive Director will have the definitive decision regarding further action, which can include dismissal from the rest of the day's program events up to dismissal from the rest of the program. We reserve the right to be able to dismiss, without refund, any participant whose behavior compromises the good name and image of the Miss Oregon Scholarship Program, the Miss Oregon's Teen Program and/or the Miss Oregon Shining Stars Program.
What a particpant does, where they go and how they conduct themselves while representing the Miss Oregon Scholarship Program and the Shining Stars Program are all governed, to a large degree, by rules, regulations and demanding schedules. Participation and appropriate behavior are required to ensure the experience is positive for all involved.