Puppy Application
Thank you for showing an interest in a potential Canadian Shield Cane Corso puppy. Please fill out the application and if successful, we will be in touch soon for a strict screening process.
First Name
Last Name
full Address- Make sure it is correct or it will result in void application!
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
What colour of dog is your choice? keep in mind, we cannot guarantee the coLour as temperament is more important in the breed
What sex is your choice?
Do you have any other dogs at home?
if yes, please specify the following: how many.. Sex, age, breed, fixed or unaltered (include family dogs as well, if any).
Why did you choose thE cane corso breed?
Does Anyone in your household have pet allergies
Do you Rent or Own?
how do you describe your lifestyle
Very Active
Moderately Active
Mild Activity
In Active
Please provide details on the home that will be provided to puppy (Ie: Home, Apartment, Condo with square footage included etc?)
Do you have a yard? What does it involve?
Yard with a vertical fence yard
Fenced with invisible fencing yard
No fenced yard but in city
No fence, No Yard (Apartment, Townhome)
Acreage/Farm- Fenced
Acreage/ Farm - No Fence at all
If other, please explain
Please list names, and age of kids in immediate family if any:
Have you owned a guardian/working breed before? Yes or No?
What type of diet or brand of food are you planning to feed your puppy/dog?
Do you have a Veterinarian that you use? If So, name and location, please?
Please describe in detail where the puppy will stay when you are gone out of the house? crate, outdoor kennel, fenced yard, etc
how many hours will the dog be left alone for within a day?
Do you Crate train? If not, why not?
Do you believe in spaying/ neuturing the dog?
What kind of temperment are you looking for?
What Are You interested in, check the box.
Family Pet Puppy will be on Spay/Neuter contract
Sporting/Working -Pet puppy contract (Will be on Spay/Neuter Contract)
Show/Breed contract - Strict Conditions apply
It is in my contract that you are to register in a minImum of 1 professional OBEDIENCE class before dog is 1 year of age. Are you willing to do this?
Please Select
It is in my contract that the puppy is to be spayed/neutered before 16 months of age. do you accept this?
What previous breeds have you owned before wanting this breed?
What are some traits you ABSOLUTELY will not tolerate within a dog?
Describe The perfect dog; in your opinion?
ear cropping; are you on board with preserving the breed and keeping the dog healthy by the benefits it has to offer?
Unsure, Please educate me on the benefits of cropping.
Please include 2 references with the name, phone numbers and the relationship they have to you.
ALSO, INCLUDE references of the your VET, dog TRAINER AND PREVIOUS BREEDER (Names, location and indicate each one associated to information please).
Do you have social media? input your user-name for social media pages (Instagram & Facebook) and Please follow us on instagram and our facebook page (canadianshieldcanecorso) so we kNow who you are and can make reference to this application.
Did you go to my tab on my website titled "must read" and read the full article labelled "Don't buy a Cane Corso"?
Please Select
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