Rhodium Level Patron, anything larger than Platinum. Gold Level Benefit plus Stage name in your honor. Please contact Peach State Feis, Inc.
*For the free hotel nights, you must book your rooms in advance under your name. The FEIS will tell the Front Desk during your stay how many nights will be covered by Peach State Feis, Inc.
Many corporations have matching gift programs so ask your company if they participate and send their form along with your check. Our FEIN is 58-1925631
Membership contributions should be sent to “Peach State Feis, Inc.”, P. O. Box 1805, Lawrenceville, GA 30046-1805. Payments must arrive by April 20th to allow listing in the Award room and acknowledgement on social media. Donations can be accepted up until the day of the Feis.
If you need additional information, or would like to volunteer working at these events, please contact me at 770-265-7755 or Justine: justineluga@gmail.com
Sincerely yours,
Cappy Foley
"Are you not staying at feis hotel, but want to help? You can be a sponsor & help by donating your free room nights to be used for Judges & Musicians."