Which membership choice is best for me?
Basic BD $45 per year: Use of our extensive library of books, journals, DVDs etc. + inclusion on the emailing list for regular updates on all activities and group purchase offers + access to locally produced Biodynamic Preparations + Quarterly printed Who Flung Dung! Newsletter, plus free access to most events. OPEN TO RESIDENTS OF QUEENSLAND and NT where no other local group is operating.
As the membership is based on the Calendar year, it ends every year on the 31st December. New memberships from end of October carry over to the next Calendar year. Full membership starting from after June onwards to end of year is $30.
Newsletter Only Membership $10 per year: Remote area option for people residing outside our operation area who would like to subscribe to the digitally sent quarterly Who Flung Dung! Newsletter with NO access to preparations or other services.