- Do not remove the school applied asset tag
- Settings on the iPad should not be changed in any manner by the student or parents
- No Apps shall be downloaded from the App store. All Apps will be sent directly to the student’s iPad by the Technology Coordinator or the teacher
Sound, Music, Games, Pictures, or Programs
- Sound must be muted at all times unless permission has been given by a teacher
- Headphones or earbuds may be used only when permission has been given by a teacher
- Internet Games are not allowed on the iPad unless directed by a teacher
- Music should only be accessed if permission is given by a teacher
- Students are not to store personal photographs of themselves or others for non-educational purposes
- Any video recording is not allowed unless it is being used in a project
Disciplinary Actions
Actions that violate any of the items in the Monterey Diocese Acceptable Use Policy or the Sacred Heart Parent/Student Handbook
Overall Student Expectations:
- Students are responsible for the care and safekeeping of their iPads. It is expected that students will immediately report damage or loss to the Technology Coordinator or their teacher.
- The iPads are the property of Sacred Heart and will be issued to students to support and enhance the educational objectives of the school.
- All iPad activity is subject to monitoring by Sacred Heart staff, who can inspect and/or confiscate any student’s iPad at any time without prior notice. This includes the right to alter, add or delete installed software and applications.
- Using the camera to photograph or record anyone, student or teacher, without his/her express permission is prohibited. Permission will be granted for educational purposes only.
- Accessing or distributing any material that is inappropriate, disrespectful or obscene is prohibited.
- As always, students are expected to demonstrate responsible and ethical behavior consistent with the mission and philosophy of our school.
- Failure to comply with these policies and procedures will result in disciplinary consequences.
- Break time and lunch are times for socializing with peers, and devices may not be used on campus at these times.
iPad Care:
- Use care when using cords and cables to prevent damage
- iPads should not be left unattended (an unlocked car, a friend’s house, etc)
- On school grounds, unattended iPads will be immediately collected and given to the Technology Coordinator. A conduct referral may be issued to the student.
- Your iPad should remain in the case provided by the school
- Keep your iPad away from food, drink, water and other liquids
- The screen is made of glass, and rough handling of the iPad (throwing down backpack, bumping into locker or floor, pressure from book or body weight, etc) can easily break the device.
- Only clean the iPad with a soft, dry cloth
- Do not expose the iPad to extreme heat or cold
- Students and parents are not permitted to repair, alter, modify or replace iPads without express permission from the Sacred Heart Technology Coordinator.
- Our mobile device management app is included on each iPad and must not be removed.
- Parents/Student are responsible for any cost incurred to repair a damaged iPad. Responsibility also pertains to replacing the iPad power block, charging cable, and iPad case.
- Students and their parents/guardians will be charged the entire cost of the device for lost or damaged iPads that cannot be repaired. The cost must be paid before the repaired iPad is returned to the student.
Using Your iPad at School:
iPads left at home (grades 6-8):
If students leave their iPad at home, they are responsible for getting the course work completed as if they had their iPad present. If a student repeatedly leaves their iPad at home, they will be subject to disciplinary action.
iPads in for repair:
Students may be issued “loaner” iPads when their assigned iPad is undergoing repairs if a “loaner” iPad is available.
iPads must be brought to school each day in a fully charged condition. Students need to charge their iPads each evening. Repeat violations of this policy will result in disciplinary action. Student is still responsible for completing the class work even if their iPad is not charged.
Students may save work directly to the iPad. It is recommended students use their Google Drive account (grades 2-8) for their file storage. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that work is not lost due to mechanical failure or accidental deletion.
Apple ID:
An Apple ID is a username for all things Apple. This ID will allow the school to push out iPad apps to student devices. It is the student’s responsibility to remember their assigned Apple ID and password.
The iPads will be password protected. Students are prohibited from sharing this password with anyone else except their parents and teachers. Students are responsible for knowing all passwords associated with their iPads. If a password is forgotten, please contact the technology coordinator immediately to reset the password.
Usage before and after school on school grounds:
Usage at these times is permitted for educational purposes only and with permission from the extended-care supervisor.
The school will be providing a “” email account for each student in grades 2-8. The email for grades 2-4 will be an inactive email used for log-in only. Grades 5-8 will be provided with an email that can be used. These email accounts are provided as a means for communicating with teachers and peers and are for educational use only. We encourage parents to talk to students about email and retain the student’s password. Students are prohibited from setting up additional email accounts on the iPads.
●Email Passwords:
Each student may choose their own email password, but these passwords must be given to the technology coordinator to keep in case a password is forgotten. If a student forgets their email password, please contact the technology coordinator.
● Monitoring: Student email is monitored.
The use of campus technology is intended to promote greater academic collaboration and communication among the Sacred Heart Parish School community. Violation of the Student Technology Use Agreement will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Specific Rules and Policies:
When using computers:
1. Tampering with computers or peripheral devices is defined as destruction of school property and will be deemed grounds for disciplinary action.
2. Software is not to be copied to or from any school computer, unless a faculty or staff member has given prior consent. Most software is copyrighted, and unauthorized duplication is illegal.
3. Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for the misuse of hardware or software. When in doubt, seek assistance.
4. School computers must be used for school related purposes only. Social networking, video sites, and other non-academic uses are prohibited at all times.
When using the Internet:
1. Material that can be defined as obscene or vulgar should not be accessed, downloaded, printed, or viewed intentionally. Students who are found in violation of appropriate use of the Internet (either through viewing inappropriate material, watching movies, or playing games on campus computers) will be subject to disciplinary action.
2. Respect and observe copyright laws.
3. The school reserves the right to impose consequences for inappropriate use. Inappropriate use includes, but is not limited to, harassment, use of the school name, remarks directed to or about teachers, administrators, and/or students, offensive communications and safety threats made on any Internet sites (examples: Social Networking websites, blogs, Journaling websites)
When using Sacred Heart Parish School email accounts (Available for grades 5-8 only):
Email accounts are intended to facilitate communication within the school community. Students should bear in mind that e-mail is not necessarily private, and may be subject to review and supervision. Students also must bear in mind that when using a Sacred Heart Parish School email account, they need to maintain the same level of respect that they would associate with communication in a classroom setting. Inappropriate behavior might include, but is not limited to, making any statements that are explicitly or implicitly threatening, demeaning, or intolerant.
Students are required to check their email accounts daily as teachers may elect to communicate with their students via e-mail on a regular basis. Students should not sign up for non-school related distribution lists or services, as this leads to an excess of SPAM (unwanted) email messages.