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If you have a story unrelated to COVID-19, please click here to use our general submissions form.
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First Name
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Name of School / Rural Community (Please include city and state)
Tell us how your community is rising above COVID-19. Some questions to help get your essay started: Do you still provide school lunches, facilitate long-distance lesson plans, or host a virtual spirit week? Are there people stepping up to lead everyone through? Share also those struggles that are unique to our communities - such as limited broadband access - that affect rural areas especially in times like this. If selected, your story and photo will be featured on our website as well as on our social media platforms. We reserve the right to edit responses to meet our editorial standards.
If possible, please upload an image that shows how your community is responding to this crisis. Otherwise, please attach or a photo of yourself, a teacher that is involved with the response, or your school.
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