The Honorable John M. W. Moorlach
Room 2048, 1020 N Street
Sacramento, California 95814
Dear Senator _________,
We, the undersigned physical therapists and physical therapist assistants are writing you today and asking for your support for SB 1054 (Moorlach), a bill to join California into the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact (PTLC). The PTL is an interstate agreement, currently with 27 member states, that allows physical therapists and physical therapist assistants to work across state lines.
Physical therapy is a critical component of California’s healthcare system. We provide essential care to patients across the state suffering from musculo-skeletal, cardiopulmonary and neurological issues. Unfortunately, California’s current system of physical therapy licensure is outdated and not conducive to the 21st century practice of physical therapy. Fortunately, SB 1054 is a common sense, proven solution to allow for mobility, portability, and flexibility in the physical therapy profession.
Joining the Physical Therapy Licensure Compact would bring significant benefits to California, including:
- Increasing access to physical therapy for California patients
- Reduce compliance costs for PTs, PTAs, clinics and hospitals
- Allow out-of-state PTs and PTAs to temporarily fill staffing vacancies while permanent placements are made
- Open the door to more widespread access to tele-health
- Significantly improve transitions for spouses in the military who work in physical therapy
- Create new educational opportunities
- Ease burdens for travel PTs, specialty PTs, and temporary assignment PTs
California is a leader in so many areas of healthcare, yet when it comes to physical therapy licensure, we are falling behind. The Physical Therapy Licensure Compact is an innovative, 21st century solution that will improve the broader healthcare system by easing burdens for those of us in the physical therapy profession.
We respectfully ask for an aye vote on SB 1054.