Thank you for joining us today!
Let us know you are with us today.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
I am attending:
Sunday 8:45 Online Service
Sunday 8:45am In Person Service
Sunday 10:30am In Person Service
Thursday 7pm in Person Service
Christmas Eve: I am attending...
12/23/24: 5pm Service
12/23/24: 7pm Service
12/24/24: 3pm Service
12/24/24: 5pm Service
12/24/24: 5pm Online Service
12/24/24: 7pm Service
Christmas Day: I am attending.....
10:30am In Person Service
10:30am Online
I am attending: Easter Sunday
7am In Person
8:45am In Person
8:45am Online
10:30am In Person
If watching Online (Including yourself), how many people are watching online with you?
Is this your first time joining us?
How did you hear about NCC
Word of Mouth/Friend Invite
Online (Google, FB, Youtube etc.)
Would you like to receive the weekly email newsletter?
How can we pray for you?
Type YES at the end if we can share your request with the congregation or NO if it is a private request.
Should be Empty: