The National Residence Hall Honorary is excited to be celebrating our 56th Birthday this April! In honor of the celebration we will be conducting a virtual case study competition for members of the honorary, as well as, Advisors of member affiliated institutions to compete in.
Below you will find the two prompts: one for the students and one for the advisors. Case Study Teams will range from 1-4 individuals. All students must be a member of NRHH (Advisors are not required to be members).
Submissions will be due on Wednesday April 15th and no late submissions will be considered. Notice: Current members of NACURH Leadership are not eligible to participate.
- Wednesday April 1st | Release of Prompt
- Wednesday April 15th | Submissions Due
- Friday April 17th | Submissions Shared With Judges
- Sunday April 26th | Voting/Feedback Forms Due
- Tuesday April 28th | Winners Announced
- Thursday April 30th | Feedback Returned
Diamond University is a mid-sized, public institution located in the WACURH Region. The National Residence Hall Honorary Chapter has a membership capacity of 31 members. You are a healthy chapter that has seen growth over the last couple years as your Executive Board has continually pushed recruitment. Your chapter has lost several members over the past few semesters due to low commitment, but is continuing to train and inducted candidate members to stay as close to the capacity as possible. Your chapter has recently selected 4 individuals to serve as off-campus members. These members have historically not engaged with the chapter, but at least showed up to events and contribute when it is required.
The 4 individuals selected to serve as off-campus member filled out the off-campus membership pledge on the NRHH website and have been approved by the WACURH ADNRHH to have voting rights within the chapter. As the semester goes on you notice that the off-campus members are no longer showing up to meetings. As a part of the off-campus membership pledge these members acknowledged that: “As an NRHH Off-Campus Member, I will uphold the values of NRHH and represent the on-campus population as best I can.”
As these members are not upholding the values and representing the on-campus population, what do you do?
1. What does outreach to these individuals look like?
2. What is the solution to this situation?
3. How do you incentivize their participation?
4. What if these members do not comply and continue to not engage?
5. What does accountability look like?
6. What challenges might you encounter with this situation?
7. What are the benefits for the solutions you choose?
8. What would happen if you do nothing?
Today’s date is April 1st, 2020. Due to COVID-19 your NRHH Chapter has made the decision to finish out the rest of the academic year virtually. Your students still would like to conduct inductions, celebrate graduating members, hold elections for new leadership, and hold service and recognition events. However, your President has decided to step-down due to not being able to attend meetings because they are home and in a different time zone. Your Vice President hasn’t yet agreed to step-up and is within their first year in the role.
1. What obstacles do you see your students and stakeholders facing during this scenario?
2. How do these obstacles impact the students and stakeholders involved?
3. What solutions would you advise your students to use during this situation?
4. Why did you choose the solutions you did for this scenario?
5. How would you create buy-in with your students on these solutions?
6. What are the risks for the solutions you choose?
7. What are the benefits for the solutions you choose?
8. What would happen if you had done nothing?
Should you have any questions, please contact the NACURH Associate for NRHH at