Preparing and serving normal/therapeutic diets. Assisting patient with eating, monitors intake.
Assisting with bathing of patient - in bed, tub and shower
Assisting with grooming, care of hair, including shampoo, shaving with electric razor only, and ordinary care of nails - this means soaking and filing nails.
Assisting with care of teeth and mouth.
Assisting patient on and off bedpan, commode and toilet.
Assisting patient in transferring from bed to chair, to wheelchair and in walking with or without devices.
Assisting patient with dressing
Assisting patient with self-administered, oral medications that have been ordered by the medical practitioner.
Taking temperature, pulse and respiration as directed
Use of special equipment i.e. hoyer lift.
Assisting, as instructed with a home exercise program including passive range of motion, turning and positioning.
Reporting any change in patient’s mental and physical condition or home situation to the nurse.
Making and changing bed/linens
Dusting and vacuuming the rooms the patient uses.
Tidying kitchen, dishwashing
Tidying bedroom
Tidying bathroom
Patient’s personal laundry; this may include necessary ironing and mending.
Provides a supportive environment and ongoing reality orientation to confused patients using appropriate interpersonal behavioral techniques.
Assists with self-administered medications.
Take and record temperature, pulse, respiration.
Measure and record Intake and Output
Reinforce sterile dressing.
Empty urinary or ostomy bag
Cleanse catheter insertion site.
Administer special skin care as directed
Collect stool, sputum and urine specimens using appropriate techniques
Assist with changes of colostomy bag
Reinforce dressing and change simple non-sterile dressing.
Assist with the use of devices geared to disability to aid in daily living
Assist patient with prescribed exercises which the Home Health Aide has been taught by appropriate professional personnel.
Apply prescribed ice cap or ice collar.
Perform simple urine test for sugar, acetone or albumen and record results
Perform functions allowable as per : NYS DOH Approved Scope of Practice