I hereby acknowledge, agree, and accept the risk of injury inherent in any physical activity or program, including particularly, the activities offered by Little Blank Canvas. Such risks may include but are not limited to falling, bumping, risks from abrasions, scrapes, cuts, broken, sprained or bruised limbs, injury to eyes, consumption or inhalation of paint or other media, as well as risks from the actions or omissions of others.
As such, I hereby release, discharge, indemnify and hold harmless Little Blank Canvas, its owners, members, managers, instructors, affiliates, agents, employees, successors and assigns, from any and all injuries, illnesses, medical conditions, medical care, death, damages, claims, liabilities, expenses or judgments, including attorneys’ fees and court costs resulting from my, my child(ren)'s, or my child(ren)'s caregiver’s participation in a program or presence on Little Blank Canvas premises or other location where Little Blank Canvas may conduct art instruction, except as such may arise out of Little Blank Canvas's gross negligence.
I expressly agree that Little Blank Canvas may use photos, video, sound recordings taken of me and my child(ren), for any purpose, including use for publicity. In addition, I agree that Little Blank Canvas shall have a fully-paid, perpetual license to use photographs, copies or reproductions of any work of art produced in its studio by me or my child(ren).
I hereby release Little Blank Canvas from any damage or loss to any of my personal property.
I understand and agree to all of the terms of this Permission Form and all questions that I may have had related to this Form have been answered to my satisfaction, and I understand that this constitutes a waiver and release of liability of Little Blank Canvas. I acknowledge receipt of and agree to the Little Blank Canvas policies.