Presurgical Laboratoty Tests
Before putting your pet under anesthesia, we will perform a full physical examination. However, many conditions, including disorders of the blood, liver, and kidneys, are not detected unless blood testing is· performed. Such tests are important for pets of all ages prior to any kind of surgery or anesthetic related procedure. For these reasons we require each pet undergoing any procedure that requires sedation or anesthesia to have a pre-anesthetic blood screening. Our laboratory is fully equipped and staffed to perform these important blood tests. Results will be immediately available for evaluation by our veterinarian before anesthesia and/or surgery.
• I understand that Paw Prints Ltd. will perform a basic pre-anesthetic blood screen on my pet prior to the above listed procedure, if the results of the pre-anesthetic blood screen are abnormal or require further investigation the procedure may be postponed for the safety of my pet and a new treatment plan will be recommended by the veterinarian.
• I understand that if my pet is geriatric (over the age of 7 years) or has a known underlying condition the veterinarian recommends a more comprehensive blood screening to further ensure the safety of my pet during the above listed procedure
I would like to request a complete profile for my pet prior to the procedure and understand that this will incur additional fees to my bill.