Bloom Recovery Network Driver's Intervention Program (and other) Family and/or COMMUNITY MEMBER SURVEY
Please list the service(s) that you received from Bloom Recovery.
Driver's Intervention Program
2pt Remedial Course
Overall satisfaction
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
I feel my family member was treated fairly and with respect. Staff present as culturally competent and relatable.
My family member was given all information needed (rules, expectations, etc) to be successful in completion of required Bloom programs.
The staff appear to be mindful of the impact my family member's involvement in their agency had on our family unit.
Appointments were scheduled in a timely manner and were feasible to my family member's schedule and did not impeded too greatly on his/her ability to fulfill obligations to the family unit.
The staff appeared to be good role models.
In my opinion, my family member's involvement with Bloom Recovery Network, namely the services they received, were beneficial.
Bloom Recovery Network appeared to meet the needs of my family.
I feel Bloom Recovery Network is valuable to the community and has a positive impact on those they serve.
Bloom Recovery Network is accepting of feedback and willing to listen, appears genuinely invested in doing "good work."
If we had complaints or concerns, we knew who we needed to speak to.
My overall rating of my experience with Bloom Recovery Network was positive.
Additional services my family member/the family unit could have benefited from:
Additional Comments:
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