The Ask: Commit to providing a certain number of lunches per week for the next 6 weeks, beginning April 15th. Five lunches cost about $10.
The Lunch: Please include the following in a gallon ziplock bag:
- 1 Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich
- Granola bar
- Bag of chips
- Bottled water
- Fruit (apples, bananas, or oranges are great)
- Cheese stick OR fruit cup with spoon OR store bought bagged cookie/s
- Tip: save this list in a place that you can refer back to
The drop off: Every Wednesday between 10 AM - 12 PM at Bridgetown Church (2120 NE Tillamook St.) in the back parking lot off NE Tillamook.
*This is a no contact drop off - please stay in car and a volunteer with gloves will take lunches from you*
Lunches will be delivered to orgs by a representative at Because People Matter to any of the following - Blanchet House, CityTeam, Union Gospel Mission, Portland Rescue Mission, etc.